Even though the internet knows all about Pete Davidson and his uh, Big Reputation, we can’t expect people to dwell on this forever. Sure, the guy is known for spreading the BDE movement, but that’s not the only thing we talk about when it comes to the comedian, right? Actually, it kind of is. But he also has a new Peacock show loosely based on his life, so, once again, the universe has forced us to confront Davidson’s weird “big d*ck” legacy, as it likely will for the rest of time. At least he owns it.
Davidson stars alongside Edie Falco in his series Bupkis, and while it might seem interesting to ask about their off-screen relationship, or how the series is influenced by his life, or literally anything else, instead, Falco is being dragged into the conversation. Hasn’t she already experienced enough over-the-top male energy for one lifetime?
When Falco was asked by The Daily Beast if she had heard of Pete’s legacy, she confirmed she had done her research. “Indeed. When I started doing the show, I started hearing more of this stuff. I started wondering, like, maybe I should find out what all this stuff means. I have my sources. I found out.” It’s worth noting that Falco has a teenage son, so she isn’t new to this stuff.
Falco said while she was aware of Davidson’s work, she didn’t know much else about his private life, which became subjected to media scrutiny after he had dated some of the most high-profile celebrities. “I knew he was on SNL, but that long ago became way too late for me to stay up to watch. So I had not seen anything he’d done, you know? All I knew was ‘he’s dating this person,’ or whatever,” she added, blissfully unaware of Ariana-gate. “I don’t know what else I knew about aside from his dating history, so I really didn’t know what to expect. I knew he was part of the present-day zeitgeist—a name that came up a lot. My kids knew who he was.”
Now, she certainly knows who he is, maybe even too much! Then again, we all know too much about Pete. And we love him anyway! Mostly.
Bupkis is currently streaming on Peacock.