Last week someone punk’d Alex Jones but good. Chris James, a Canadian prankster who likes to target conservative figures, announced he’d successfully fooled the Infowars maven: He’d somehow gotten a hold of Jones’ phone number as well as that of the recently fired Tucker Carlson. James then used AI tech to make it sound like Carlson was calling Jones with a modest proposal: They should suck on each other’s nipples. Jones — who fell for the gambit for longer than James said he expected — threatened to sue. Now there’s audio of the whole kerfuffle.
In James’ misleading call to Jones, which he posted on Monday’s episode of his Twitch show Not Even a Show, Tucker’s fake AI voice tells Jones, “I was thinking we could do a show together where we’re topless and we suck each others’ nipples and sort of play with them a bit. It would be a comment on gender roles, sort of a funny parody thing.”
Jones replied, “That’s a really great idea.”
Only after James’ Fake AI Tucker says the same thing about Fox News confiscating his iconic old bow tie does Jones start to suspect something’s up.
On his show Thursday, Jones spent 30 minutes railing against James, claiming that Tucker’s lawyers were involved. He even threatened the prankster, saying, “what you did, we believe is a crime, so even though you think you are safe up in Canada, you are going to get arrested for what you did yesterday.” He also called James a “little arrogant person.”
But in an interview with Rolling Stone, James revealed that Jones actually called him up to see if he wanted to come on Infowars. Audio of that, which James also made live Monday, finds Jones claiming Carlson was seeking legal action. But James wasn’t shaking.
“What exactly have I done that breaks the law?” James inquires, pointing out that he immediately sent Jones a text clarifying it was him and just a joke, which Jones then acknowledged.
“I think it made him angry that I wasn’t willing to come on his show,” James told Rolling Stone, but he’s not losing sleep over his threats. “At the end of the day, he’s just a f*cking showman who’s trying to make this into a big thing.” Then again, Jones may have trouble rounding up the money to spend more time in court.
You can listen to the prank and Jones’ attempt to scare James in the video embedded above.
(Via Jezebel)