Recently, Meghan Trainor, Rachel Bilson, and Gwyneth Paltrow have shared some pretty candid details about their celebrity sex lives, and Meghan McCain is not loving it. In her latest column for the Daily Mail, the former The View co-host chastised Trainor, Bilson, and Paltrow for going crazy with the “pornified” levels of TMI.
“You’re on a podcast, not gossiping with the girls over a Chardonnay,” McCain wrote before proceeding to repeat each and every story from all three women. While McCain attempted to paint herself as a “sex-positive person,” that label fell apart the minute she started yearning for the more “provincial” days of her mom and grandmother where “sex lives weren’t openly flaunted.”
Via Daily Mail:
While on-air, I always felt my mother and late-Grandmother Roberta peering over my shoulder, ready to keel over with a heart attack if I ventured into issues of my sexuality. Honestly, I once thought the way I was raised was provincial and outdated. But today, as a mother of two girls, I am grateful for it. My daughters don’t deserve to be subjected to TMI details about their mom and dad. I’m happy that I’ve set an example of modesty.
Yes, strong women are confident in their sexuality. But that doesn’t mean that they should be pushed and prodded by society into wearing in on their sleeves. Self-control is the first step toward self-respect.
As McCain continued to lecture on the sins of open sexuality, she ultimately ended her column by thanking her mom, Cindy McCain, for teaching her to be a repressive schoolmarm who balks at hearing the words “doggy” in public.
“We’re now living in a time of extreme overexposure. It robs young people of their innocence, and it deprives them of the experience of exploring the mysteries of life on their own terms,” McCain wrote. “So, thank you, Cindy. This is about 20 years too late, but you were right all along.”
(Via Daily Mail)