Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert only just raised the subject of her GED a day ago, and here she is, giving people an opportunity to bring it up against a point that she is attempting to make. That point would be the GOP lawmaker’s comparison of student loans to an already existing comparison of car loans and debt ceiling talks.
This actually isn’t the first time that Boebert has riled up holders of student loans or those who are, for whatever reason, in favor of some student loan forgiveness. In her most recent GED reminder, she had criticized the VP’s public speaking skills, and now, she’s playing the false-equivalence card while pouncing upon White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s aforementioned likening of a car payment to debt ceiling matters.
Jean-Pierre’s point (as shown in the below clip) was that Congress is negotiating a debt ceiling for already-spent money. Boebert decided to hop on it and tweet, “Can we play this clip when they talk about student loans, too?”
Can we play this clip when they talk about student loans, too? https://t.co/B5PGnxZTXg
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 8, 2023
Naturally, this is only giving people more of a chance to bring up that GED, which Boebert received a few months before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Boebert has since advocated for eliminating the education department, and she’s also proposed a longer duration for lawmakers to be able to read bills.
On the subject of financial matters, Boebert may not have room to talk, given allegations that she has illegally used campaign contributions to pay rent and utility bills on her now-defunct restaurant, Shooter’s Grill. Additionally, former employees of that establishment have aired grievances that included accusations of Boebert splurging on luxury items while their paychecks reportedly went missing.
With all of that in consideration, people are pushing back at Boebert’s latest student-loan tweet, given the “complicated” nature of student debt, which verges on predatory lending in many instances. As well, users are bringing up that GED and the alleged campaign fund debacle.
Tell me you don’t understand predatory lending without telling me.
— Ryan Shead
(@RyanShead) May 9, 2023
Student Debt is complicated for various reasons. I’m a card carrying Republican and I feel education should be free from pre-k to the 4th year of college. That would be basic education, anything beyond that such as a Master’s Degree or PHD should the exception. I’d vote for that
— Aaron Ricks (@aaronxricks) May 9, 2023
You have no college student loan debt because you only have a GED.
— Captain Obvious (@TheFungi669) May 8, 2023
Well Lauren Boebert. You never have to worry about student loans because you didn’t even finish high school let alone attend college.
— TMajestic
(@soapmaker10) May 8, 2023
Big difference. You can’t bankrupt your way out of student loans. They are a yoke around your neck until resolved.
Car loans can be discharged through bankruptcy.
….the more you know….
— Joel Keith (@MayNotBeJoking) May 8, 2023
……Said the criminal who used campaign funds to pay rent and utilities for her restaurant.
— Marla (@marla_vous) May 9, 2023
Sure Lowrent, should we also play this clip when explaining to you why paying the lease on your failed restaurant with campaign funds is bad?
— Schrödinger’s Litter Box (@Brewjew308) May 8, 2023
And the subject of the debt ceiling continues to loom with hope that lawmakers can come to some type of compromise.