For parents of school-aged kids, May is absolute mayhem and there are very few ways around it. May is the culmination of everything—concerts, recitals, award ceremonies, finals, end-of-school-year picnics, spring sports and a dozen other things that seem to sneak up on you until one day you look at your calendar for the month and weep.
Oh, and by the way, have you signed your kids up for summer camps yet?
May is just…a lot. It’s akin to the busyness of the December holiday season, but without all the pretty lights and holiday spirit to carry you through it.
In their signature style, The Holderness Family has captured the reality of “Maycember” in a video parody of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September.” The Holdernesses have brought us many funny and relatable videos about a range of realities, from people’s mid-pandemic Wordle obsession to GenX welcoming millennials to the over-40 club, and now they’ve got their fingers on the pulse of parents pulling their hair out with end-of-school-year scheduling.
Check out “Maycember”:
No wonder they put Mother’s Day in May. (Although it’s a little hard to enjoy it when you’re up to your eyeballs in all the things.)
Judging by the comments, they hit the nail on the head.
“Oh hi there, I see you made a documentary about my life right now! “
“Great video. Plus, all of the spring yard chores. When is there time for pickleball?”
“Yep facts! ! Everything is true and accurate scary accurate. Thanks for the camp reminder
“The BEST one yet! I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry….maybe a little of both. Good to know our family isn’t going thru this alone! POWER TO THE PARENTS!!! (and teachers….thanks for all you do!)”
“My kids are grown and have moved out but oh my goodness do I remember the month of May all through their school years. Everything is packed into that one month. I always remember how busy we were. There are days I don’t miss it but there are days that I do! Well done!”
Hang in there, parents. May may be mayhem, but it’ll be over soon. (And seriously, get on those summer camps now if you haven’t yet. Those things fill up in a blink.)