In recent days, there have been rumors that Britney Spears and Sam Asghari’s marriage isn’t going so well. Earlier this week, a TMZ report claimed the relationship is “on the rocks,” according to “multiple sources in the know.” The report noted, “We’re told Britney has gotten physical with Sam and screaming matches have been frequent. We’re also told things have gotten so volatile security has had to step in. Our sources say Sam doesn’t stay at their home much anymore and it’s especially alarming because of how she has come to rely on him.”
Now, Spears appears to have indirectly addressed that… or at least an Instagram post shared yesterday (May 17) is conveniently timed.
The post features a video of Spears and Asghari in a verdant garden as they kiss, smile, and pose for the camera. Spears’ caption reads, “Ok so I’m proud of my flowers [flower emojis]!!! I’ve been pretty modest about my home [house emoji] !!! I’m redesigning my house !!! I feel so blessed to be with such an incredible husband who inspires me everyday [face with hearts emoji] !!! Have a brilliant day my friends and godspeed [star emojis] !!!”
This comes shortly after Asghari shared a video speaking about Spears, saying in part, “Don’t believe what you read online. 99 percent of the time, those are all clickbaits, for you to click and for them to make money, and that time is over, you know. Not gonna allow that. And that should stop. It should stop, absolutely. The gaslighting and all that sh*t gotta stop.”