Being a parent is a full time job but without the money and health benefits. Kissing scrapped knees, planning meals, scheduling doctor appointments, extracurricular activities, PTO meetings, the list could go on for days. But in today’s society many women with children not only work inside the home but outside as well because a two income household is necessary in many cases. So why are moms leaving their marriages to do it all on their own?
Divorce attorney, Dennis Vetrano Jr. posted a video to TikTok that has over 7.4 million views, explaining the rise of working moms filing for divorce. The revelation came as no surprise to women or other divorce attorneys who commented under Vetrano’s video but it may be surprising to some men.
You know how there’s that saying that girls mature faster than boys, the initiation of divorce by working moms may be a continuation of that notion.
“I’m seeing working moms doing it all, and I’m seeing the husbands step back and say, huh I don’t gotta do a thing. She’s got the kids, she’s got the groceries, she’s got the laundry, she’s got the meals, she’s got the work,” Vetrano says. “That’s the theme and women are tired.”
Over the past few decades women have taken on more roles outside of the home out of necessity and desire but their load inside the home hasn’t decreased. The wives Vetrano is speaking about have partners who haven’t caught up with the evolution of roles. Essentially still living like the 50s expecting their wives to take care of all household responsibilities while ignoring the fact that their wives work outside of the home just like they do.
“We even filed the divorce, find the attorney, created the child custody schedule,” one woman wrote.
“After my divorce I had one less child to take care of. Leveled up,” another commented.
“I will never forget the day I said ‘if i’m doing it all by myself, I might as well be by myself,'” someone else wrote.
Another divorce lawyer even chimed in saying that her clients who are women are often much happier after divorce. It certainly makes you wonder about the maturity theme here. Not in the way of men being immature but women adapting much more quickly to societal shifts as some men struggle to keep up or even see the correlation that leads to divorce.
Take a look at the video below and if you’re feeling extra adventurous, check out the comments under the main video to see if you agree with the sentiments women are expressing.
@drvlaw The major theme I’ve been seeing? Women are TIRED #divorce #divorced #divorceparty #divorcedlife #divorcedmom #divorcesucks #divorcecoach #divorcedparents #divorceattorney #divorcesupport #divorceparties #divorcehelp #divorcerecovery #DivorceForce #divorcecourt #divorcecommunity #divorcedonedifferently #divorceddad #divorcechaos #divorceproceedings #divorcedmoms #divorcee #divorcecoaching #divorcees #divorcecake #divorcelawyer #divorceeducation #divorcesurvivor