Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert continues to tweet into the ether without caring about the comeuppance that comes her way. This was recently the case when she attempted to shame John Fetterman’s “unbecoming” congressional hoodie and when she tweeted about Rosa Parks in a way that confused everyone because no one should be that good at a self-own. Then again, that Bud Light take fit the same bill, and the same vibe might be coming from Boebert’s criticism of President Biden’s recent declaration of a coordinated, multi-agency plan to “fight hate” and “counter antisemitism.”
Oddly, Boebert appears to be taking this as a threat. “When they say stuff like this, they mean they want to go after conservatives,” the congresswoman from Colorado tweeted. “Their tactics are straight out of the USSR’s playbook.”
When they say stuff like this, they mean they want to go after conservatives.
Their tactics are straight out of the USSR’s playbook. https://t.co/bnICe9b6zO
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 25, 2023
That’s a stunner of a reach there, but Boebert has apparently committed by leaving the tweet intact, whereas her replies are filled with people wondering why she immediately jumped to “conservatives” when Biden mentioned antisemitism and hate. It’s quite a connection for her to make, and one must wonder why she is acting like she feels threatened. Does Boebert truly feel “personally attacked,” as one user suggested while many others echoed similar sentiments?
Very astute connecting conservatives with hate and antisemitism.
I can assure you, I am unlikely to ever use the word ‘astute’ with reference to you ever again.
— Joel Keith (@MayNotBeJoking) May 25, 2023
funny how you got “conservatives” out of antisemitic lolololol
— Daltron 3030 (@dalden710) May 25, 2023
When you automatically make the assumption that someone talking about hate and antisemitism is talking about you, maybe it’s time to stop and think a minute.
— 996Targa.eth (@chadkarol) May 26, 2023
Someone is attacking the evils of antisemitism, homophobia, racism, white supremacy and you feel personally attacked?
— Kes Bretagne (@KesendraB) May 26, 2023
So conservatives stand for hate and antisemitism. Got it. Thank you so much for clearing that up.
— Jacalyn Wetzel (@JacalynWetzel) May 26, 2023
The GOP in dozens of states are going after the civil rights of trans people, the parents of trans children, drag performers and in my home state of MT, they’ve banned TikTok. But you’ll be silent on all of that because you agree with those fascist violations of civil rights.
— Scott C. Smith (@TheScottCSmith) May 26, 2023
If the shoe fits, BoBo.
— Flagg Eagleton (@FlaggEagleton) May 25, 2023
Are you threatened by this? I wonder why? Are you saying conservatives are antisemitic and hateful? I am impressed that you recognize yourself in Biden’s comments
— Miz Anthrope (@jenaglez) May 25, 2023
Boebert has not followed up on this tweet and, rather, has moved onto different subjects like vowing to vote no on the debt ceiling compromise, but still, it sure looks like a case of “you just so set yourself up” without meaning to sound so, well, defensive. In fact, the responses are absolutely merciless: “No one is taking prisoners today.”
Oh, BoBo, sweetness, you just so set yourself up. No one is taking prisoners today.
— Helen (@Helen91064703) May 25, 2023