Name a better road trip snack than a bag of Cheez-Its. Go on, we’ll wait. Nothing right? Cheez-It’s are great, they scratch that itch for salty cheesy snacks as good as anything else, but have complexity and dimension to them that Cheetos and Takis don’t have. And now, for just one week, people in Southern California have a chance to visit the world’s “cheesiest roadside attraction,” the Cheez-It Stop.
Located on Twentynine Palms Highway in the Joshua Tree area, The Cheez-It Stop is equipped with the Cheez-It pump, a gas-pump style Cheez-It dispenser that no one asked for but now some weird rich Cheez-It obsessive will definitely want in their home, a merch store with all sorts of Cheez-It inspired t-shirts, shot glasses, and postcards, and best of all, a selection of some of the hardest to track down Cheez-It flavors, like hot and spicy, bacon, and Cheddar Douz.

Sure, it caters to Cheez-It fans and pretty much no one else, but it’s the sort of weird and fun stop that works to energize you after a long and grueling drive, whether you’re on your way to Los Angeles, San Diego, or Joshua Tree and Palm Springs, and will serve as the perfect backdrop for their strangest social media post you’ll ever make.
If you’re not in it for the photo and content-generation opportunities, do it for those salty smokey Bacon Cheez-Its.
The Cheez-It stop is open from today until Sunday, June 11th, between the hours of 10 AM – 6 PM and is located at 61943 Twentynine Palms Highway in Joshua Tree. Take some mushrooms, chill out in the desert, and go to the Cheez-It stop for snacks later, it’ll be the weirdest day of your life.
Check out what to expect below.