Meghan McCain is something of an enigma when it comes to Donald Trump. She’s one of the few prominent conservatives willing to criticize the former president as she’s done many times over the years thanks in no small part to Trump’s penchant for hurling insults at her father, the late Senator John McCain. However, McCain is also a lifelong Republican, which has often placed in her awkward positions as her party continues to rally around Trump.
Anytime the former president seems to face consequences for his actions, McCain predicts that it will boost his chances in the next election, and she hasn’t changed her tune even with the considerably more serious indictment over Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents.
In her latest column for the Daily Mail, McCain rips both Joe Biden and the Department of Justice for putting the entire country on “shaky” ground. “It goes without saying that Biden’s DOJ has undermined – intentionally or not – the public’s rights to choose its own leader,” McCain wrote. “There’s no denying that they’ve put their thumbs on the scale.”
As McCain argues, the charges against Trump must be spectacular or America will never recover as a country:
Never before in my lifetime has the ground under our feet seemed so shaky. I feel it in the pit of my stomach.
If this reported seven count federal indictment against Trump does not reveal a crime so shocking that it unites Americans in universal condemnation of him, then I fear there may be no coming back.
American’s fundamental faith in their country will be crippled.
While acknowledging that the DOJ may have “unearthed” serious evidence, McCain towed the party line by condemning the indictment of a former president as a bridge too far.
“At seemingly every step, America lurches away from the country that I recognize,” McCain wrote. “This is the view from across the Rubicon. It’s terrifying.”
(Via Daily Mail)