Today’s Republican Party is deeply afraid of Donald Trump, and with good reason: He’s still, inexplicably, killing it in the polls, on top of being infamously petty. But so far one rival candidate has been punchy: Chris Christie. When he entered the 2024 presidential race earlier this month, he vowed to come for Trump. And so far he hasn’t.
Chris Christie, “I will do what I need to do, to be up on that stage and save my party and country from going down the road of being led by three-time loser Donald Trump.” pic.twitter.com/Rwm8PinNvr
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) June 18, 2023
As per Raw Story, the former New Jersey governor went on CNN Sunday morning, where he torched Trump over saying he’ll hire the best people — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis — only to fire them after they prove, to him at least, disappointing. In both cases, and more besides, Trump went from hyping them up to calling them mean names.
“If you believe what he said about them in the beginning, the great stuff, that means this person is the worst manager in the history of American presidency,” Christie told host Jake Tapper. “Either way, he’s a petulant child when someone disagrees with him. Whether it’s Bill Barr, General Milley, if you disagree with Donald Trump, the petulant child comes out and he calls you names like the one you just mentioned and the ones I mentioned.”
Christie then twisted the knife further.
“I’m trying to save my party and country from going down the road of being led by three-time loser Donald Trump,” Christie said. “Loser in 2018 by losing the House, loser in 2020 by losing the White House, and the United States Senate, and the worst midterm performance we’ve seen in a long, long time … loser. loser, loser.”
So far most of the GOP pushback against Christie has been fat jokes, but clearly immaturity hasn’t kept him from trying to de-MAGA the GOP.
(Via Raw Story)