Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s latest presidential campaign tactic seems to be focused on giving Russian President Vladimir Putin some much-needed good press.
The longtime anti-vaxxer who plans to challenge President Joe Biden’s 2024 Democratic nomination gave an interview on SiriusXM’s The Briefing with Steve Scully in which he laid the blame for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine squarely at his own country’s feet. In fact, RFK, Jr. bizarrely claimed that Russia was …wait for it… “acting in good faith” when they invaded their neighboring country, and any talk of war is actually America’s fault since Putin “has repeatedly said yes” to attempted peace talks.
“In fact, he negotiated — two times he agreed to agreements. He agreed to the Minsk Accords, and then he agreed in 2022 to an agreement that would’ve left Ukraine completely intact,” Kennedy said. “It was us who forced Zelensky to sabotage that agreement. It was already signed. So, you know, the Russians were acting in good faith. … So, no, I think we’re the ones who have not been acting in good faith.”
Naturally, publicly simping for a blood-thirsty, civilian-killing, warmongering dictator has some questioning RFK, Jr.’s patriotism.
nothing says ‘good faith’ more than the murder of civilians pic.twitter.com/QLBEEaStq6
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) June 23, 2023
Russia invades a sovereign nation, and you blame America. RFK Jr proudly sits with @TuckerCarlson & so many others in the “America bad/Putin good” camp. https://t.co/qjeFBQPXaT
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) June 19, 2023
This man needs a mental health intervention…sooner rather then later…..
RFK Jr. says Russia acted ‘in good faith’ in Ukraine and blames U.S. for war https://t.co/Smo7IOpZOH— Marilyn
(@mlauriat) June 22, 2023
We already knew RFK Jr. was no Democrat.
Now, I openly question if he’s an American: https://t.co/LHQKVIvIi6
— Malcolm P. Johnson (@admiralmpj) June 22, 2023
But really, did we expect anything more from a guy content to be the far right’s puppet against Biden in his attempt at a second term? Larry David was right. This guy is the worst.
(Via RawStory)