Drake‘s new poetry book — which he wrote alongside songwriter Kenza Samir — has hit shelves today (June 24). In tandem with the new book Titles Ruin Everything: A Stream Of Consciousness By Kenza Samir & Aubrey Graham, it appears we may also be getting some new music.
The book is currently available for purchase via Drake‘s officially online merchandiser, DrakeRelated, as well as select retailers, however, members of the press who received their copies early noted that the front cover of the book contains an image of two puppies with a caption reading “For All The Dogs.”
An insider told Complex that “the image serves as a QR which takes you to a landing page announcing drake has an album on the way. While there is no release day we’re inclined to think this image in the book will be the communication point for ongoing updates.”
The QR code has also appeared in some of the newspaper ads Drake has taken out to promote the album, according to fans on social media. The code reportedly takes fans to a page, which shows a message from Drake.
“I made an album to go with the book,” reads the message. “They say they miss the old Drake girl don’t tempt me.” Subtext below reads “FOR ALL THE DOGS” in all caps.
At the time of writing, there is no confirmed release date for For All The Dogs.