Alex Jones, no stranger to nutso conspiracy theories, has come up with a doozy. It involves Donald Trump, the deep state, and an airplane getting blown up. It’s basically the plot of a mid-’90s dad thriller, except instead of Harrison Ford telling terrorists to get off his plane, it’s Alex Jones sweating into a podcast microphone.
“I think they’ll blow his airplane up,” Jones said on the PBD podcast in the scratchiest voice you’ve ever heard. “I really, at a gut level, believe they’re going to kill Trump. I mean, I believe the deep state establishment will murder him. I mean, I believe he’s going to steadfast go through all this. He’ll be 30 points ahead in the primaries. Nothing’s going to stop him. And then he dies of a heart attack, or they poison him, or they blow his airplane up.”
It isn’t the first time Jones has suggested a deep state plot. In Dec. 2017, he predicted the FBI would kill Trump in the next 30 days. They didn’t. “And Trump, by the way, has talked to Roger and others and said, I’m ready to die,” Jones said. He concluded the rant: “It’s a death battle.”
If Trump has an “incident” on an airplane, it’s more likely he’ll go the same way as Logan Roy, not because his plane was blown up.
You can listen to the rant below.
TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION? “I think they’ll blow his airplane up. I really at gut level believe they’re gonna kill Trump.”
Alex Jones says he believes they’ll assassinate Trump. (Episode 281) pic.twitter.com/CtoarqoJny
— PBD Podcast (@PBDsPodcast) June 25, 2023
(Via Raw Story)