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Whoopi Goldberg Went Off On Clarence Thomas For Voting To Kill Affirmative Action In College Admissions

Whoopi Goldberg did not hold back when it came time for The View panel to discuss Clarence Thomas and the devastating Supreme Court decision to restrict affirmative action in college admissions.

According to reports, Thomas and the other conservative justices ruled that considering race in college admissions violated the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. To make matters worse, Thomas argued that he doesn’t know what diversity is, which set Goldberg off.

“That’s what he said, and so he doesn’t get it.” Goldberg said. “Well, let me pose this question to you from Justice Thomas. Could your mother and father vote in this country because had the 14th Amendment actually had us on equal footing, they would have been able to vote. And you know why that changed? Because people got out and made a change.”

But Whoopi was just getting warmed up. Via Mediaite:

“Who wants to get hit by water from a water hose? Nobody. But that’s what people did in order to get the vote. So when you say you don’t know what diversity is, I say you’re full of it,” Whoopi concluded with cheers from the in-studio audience.

She later added, “When you have a justice who says something as ridiculous as ‘I don’t get it,’ it just makes a kid, an Asian kid, a Native American kid, and a black kid feel like you don’t matter. Like you don’t understand why my struggle is hard.”

Goldberg wasn’t the only prominent Black voice to call out Thomas. NAACP President Derrick Johnson slammed the decision with a scathing rebuke of the conservative justice.

“The worst thing about affirmative action is that it created a Clarence Thomas,” Johnson said.

You can see his full remarks below:

(Via Mediaite)