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Ron DeSantis Went To NYC To Awkwardly Eat Pizza With Jesse Watters And Bloviate About Libs Wanting To Outlaw Pizza (Or Something)

Human bobblehead and meatball Ron DeSantis might be the most awkward presidential candidate we’ve seen in a long time (and that’s saying something after Jeb Bush). His recent campaign trail moves have also been downright cringeworthy, including moments with a sweaty dress shirt and him allegedly bussing in supporters to beef up his (pitiful) presence in Iowa.

Don’t even get us started on his food thing. There’s that reported habit he has of eating pudding with his fingers, which DeSantis has denied, albeit while debuting his unsettling laugh, so one can imagine that eating pizza the “right” way might not come naturally to him. But DeSantis presumably wanted to capitalize upon right-wing claims that “[l]eftists and extremists are trying to ban pizza ovens” due to a proposed rule change on carbon emissions, which would present hiccups for less than 100 pizzerias in NYC. Still, Republicans are still mad about their gas stoves, so accusing Democrats of wanting to take away pizza will only aid their cause.

So, DeSantis hustled up to Manhattan, where he sat down with Fox News’ Tucker-Carlson-hour replacement Jesse Watters at Grimaldi’s Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria on 6th Avenue. Getty photographers were on the scene and captured the whole disturbing affair, in which DeSantis looks as though he may have never enjoyed a slice in his life. Is that possible? Well, he had to make room for pudding, so stranger things have happened. Witness:

Ron DeSantis Pizza
Getty Image
Ron DeSantis Pizza
Getty Image
Ron DeSantis Pizza
Getty Image

Nope, this was surely not at all rehearsed. Maybe this video clip will help.

Ugh, the video made it worse. Well, at least you aren’t craving pizza on a Friday? Gotta save a few calories for the Fourth of July cookout.