Look, it happens to the best of us. We see a celebrity that we love out and about in the wild. Our excitement takes hold, and we rush up to our icons hoping they might deliver a bit of that same joy we experience from them on the screen. For a moment, the lines blur between fantasy and reality, and we forget that we are dealing with an actual human being, rather than a character.
Well known celebrities deal with this kind of social interaction all the time, whether they want it or not. And many times, they have to resort to expressing frustration in order to set a boundary. It doesn’t take a very long internet search to find public figures losing their cool at a fan who couldn’t pick up a hint.
That’s why people are praising John Cena for the way he respectfully handled a fan who might have overstepped a bit. Once a Peacemaker, always a Peacemaker it seems.
The clip posted to TikTok shows Cena sitting at an outside table at a restaurant. We overhear a voice behind the camera ask the pro wrestler to recite his infamous “You can’t see me,” catchphrase used during his WWE days.
With a calm smile, Cena replied “How about I enjoy some time with my friends?” The person then apologized and Cena gave a polite nod before the video cut.
The video quickly racked up over 400,000 views on TikTok, with many, if not most viewers commending Cena for being a “polite boundary setter.”
Perhaps it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. Despite his “tough guy” brand, Cena has proven himself to be one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Really, more than just nice. From helping refugee families to making a record-breaking amount of Make-A-Wish appearances, the dude has shown genuine kindness.
We might not be celebrities, but we all need to establish boundaries in one way or another. Setting those boundaries doesn’t necessarily have to be a fight though. Sometimes it can be as simple as a courteous “not right now.”
A retired merchant navy engineer in England has found a treasure that would have made his country’s most popular folk hero proud. Graham Harrison, a 64-year-old metal detector enthusiast, discovered a gold signet ring that once belonged to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
The discovery was made on a farm in Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire, 26.9 miles from Sherwood Forest. The forest is known worldwide for being the mythological home of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men. A central road that traversed the forest was notorious in Medieval times for being an easy place for bandits to rob travelers going to and from London.
Today, the forest is a designated National Nature Reserve. It contains ancient oaks that date back thousands of years, making it an important conservation area.
“It was the first big dig after lockdown on a glorious day. We were searching two fields. Other detectorists kept finding hammered coins but I’d found nothing,” Harrison said according to the Daily Mail. “Then I suddenly got a signal. I dug up a clod of earth but couldn’t see anything. I kept breaking up the clod and, on the last break, a gold ring was shining at me. I broke out into a gold dance.”
Gold Ring that Belonged to Real Sheriff of Nottingham.nnRead more: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/sheriff-nottingham-0016568u00a0u2026pic.twitter.com/K7rhf2E62O
Harrison sent the ring to the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme to have it authenticated. After doing some research they found that it was once owned by Sir Matthew Jenison, who was the Sheriff of Nottingham between 1683 and 1684.
The first accounts of Robin Hood, then known as Robyn Hode, first appear in the 12th century, a few hundred years before Sir Matthew served as sheriff.
But there’s no doubt that the archer and leader of Merry Men would have been delighted to know that an everyday guy came into possession of the Sheriff of Nottingham’s ring.
Sir Matthew was knighted in 1683 and acted as a commissioner to examine decaying trees in Sherwood Forest. He was later elected to Parliament in 1701. However, a series of lawsuits over shady land dealings would eventually be his ruin and he’d die in prison in 1734.
The gold signet ring bears the coat of arms of the Jenison family, who were known for getting rich off a treasure trove of valuables left for safekeeping during the English Civil War. The valuables were never claimed, so the Jenisons took them for themselves.
Harrison decided that he would sell the ring to someone who appreciates its importance.
“There can’t be many people who’ve found anything like that. I’m only selling it because it’s been stuck in a drawer,” Harrison said. “I hope it will go to someone who will appreciate its historical value.” It was sold at auction by Hansons Auctions for £8,500 ($11,115).
March Historica & Coin Auction. 24 March u2014 25 March. The Sheriff of Nottinghamu2019s gold signet ring #Historica #Auction @HansonHistoricannCheck out HansonsAuctions’s video! #TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLmGN476/u00a0pic.twitter.com/cbdwbWrqdH
Let’s hope that the man who sold the ring does what Robin Hood would have done with a piece of jewelry that adorned the hand of a nobleman whose family came into money by taking other people’s loot. Surely, he’d take the proceeds from the auction and give them to the poor.
These days, we could all use something to smile about, and few things do a better job at it than watching actor Christopher Walken dance.
A few years back, some genius at HuffPo Entertainment put together a clip featuring Walken dancing in 50 of his films, and it was taken down. But it re-emerged in 2014 and the world has been a better place for it.
Walken became famous as a serious actor after his breakout roles in “Annie Hall” (1977) and “The Deer Hunter” (1978) so people were pretty shocked in 1981 when he tap-danced in Steve Martin’s “Pennies from Heaven.”
But Walken actually started his career in entertainment as a dancer. He took his first dance lessons at the age of three. “It was very typical for people—and I mean working-class people—to send their kids to dancing school,” he told Interview Magazine. “You’d learn ballet, tap, acrobatics, usually you’d even learn to sing a song,” he later explained to Interview magazine.
As a child, he also studied tap dance and toured in musicals. He even danced with a young Liza Minelli. “I’d been around dancers my whole life, having watched my parents make musicals at MGM, and Chris reminded me of so many of the dancers I knew growing up,” Minelli said according to Entertainment Weekly. “He’s talented in every way.”
Craig Zadan, Executive Producer of “Peter Pan Live!,” agrees with Minelli. “I think that if he had been around in the heyday of MGM, he would have been a big star of musicals on film,” he told Entertainment Weekly.
His dance moves were put center stage in 2001 in Spike Jonze’s video for Fatboy Slim’s song “Weapon of Choice.” Walken says he did it because one day he’ll be too old to cut a rug. “You think, ‘Well, do it now!’ You know, you get too decrepit to dance,” he told Entertainment Weekly.
An unsupervised toddler with a pair of scissors is nightmare fuel for parents.
Will you find shredded books, a hole in your new couch, or a pile of lopped off hair when you emerge from your quick trip to the potty?
Toddlers may still be very young, but they are fast and have a knack for getting ahold of unapproved things quickly, inflicting maximum destruction. TikTok user, @designerluxury4you, shared a video of their toddler proudly showing off the haircut she had given herself.
Experiencing your child giving themselves or their siblings a haircut seems to be a rite of passage for parents.
But the way this mom handled the discovery is showing how gentle parenting is changing the game. It’s pretty safe to say that most parents would react in a more expressive way and immediately remove the scissors from the child’s hands. This mom responded in the kindest and most respectful way you can imagine and maybe the internet is a little better for having seen it.
When the mom walks in to see her daughter holding a pair of child’s scissors, she calmly asks, “What’d you do?” to which the now mullet-sporting toddler explains her actions. The little girl, Max, says, “I cutted all of it off and I put it on here.” While the toddler is finishing her story we get a quick glimpse of the pile of blonde hair sitting on the nightstand. This is the point that seems to divide the commenters because the reaction isn’t anger or even a stern tone. Instead, this shocked mom says, “Oh, wow. You did a really good job, Max.”
The mom asked if her daughter felt better since her hair was no longer in her face, to which Max answered, “Yep.” Max was given several options, including going to the hairdresser to fix it. The video cuts off before we find out the toddler’s choice, but the mom’s reaction was the topic of discussion in the comments.
One person wrote, “Seriously, this is impressive parenting. What a gift you are to her.”
Another said, “Wow, you handled that so well lol she’s so adorable.”
Others were confused and more critical of the mom’s calm reaction and lack of consequences. Someone wrote, “I just can’t with gentle parenting. She lost me when she said no but allowed it anyway.”
A different user expressed confusion, writing, “Not knocking gentle parenting but at the end of the day how does she learn this was wrong and not to do it again?”
There were multiple comments reminding people that even though the girl is a toddler, it’s still her hair and she should get to decide what to do with it.
Watch the video below. Do you think this mom handled this situation well?
Happiness is not something our survival-centered brains naturally gravitate towards. We all need help once in a while to shift our mindset with reminders of just how wonderful, hilarious, magical, endearing and truly awesome life on this blue planet can be.
Luckily, there are countless sources of joyful inspiration out there, both IRL and in the virtual realm. At Upworthy, we like to make collecting those uplifting gems just a little bit easier for you with these weekly round-ups. And the funny thing is: week after week, the world provides.
Here are 10 smile-inducing things we’ve discovered this week. Enjoy!
1. Life is beautiful. Just take it from Scooter, “The World’s Ugliest Dog.”
If Scooter, a bald 7-year-old Chinese Crested dog with backwards facing hind legs can not only escape certain death to be in a loving home, but make an epic comeback by winning the “World’s Ugliest Dog” competition…then perhaps there’s hope for us all.
2. Her name is Van Van. She likes to rap. At 2 o’clock, she takes a nap.
Can you believe this impressive word play is being effortlessly spewed by a four-year-old?! The adorable march and dad’s hype up take it to next level sweetness too. Van Van has way more raps where that came from.
3. Wild buffalo returning to their natural habitat on Blackfeet tribal land is a breathtaking sight.
‘Absolutely epic’: Blackfeet Nation releases wild buffalo on tribal land, returning free-roaming buffalo to their native habitat https://t.co/79S1RiUFbC
A win for nature. And a win for Indigenous groups. Huzzah.
4. As it turns out, Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” is the perfect Blink-182 song
It’s the Blink style “na na na”s in lieu of Beyoncé’s “oh oh oh”s for me. This diddy is brought to you by Alex Melton, who has all kids of Blink-182 covers. And they’re all bangers.
5. May we all enjoy life as much as this 41-year-old at her first ever hip-hop class
It’s never too late to try something new.
6. Guy ends up being the only one on his flight, so he decides to party with the crew
18-hour delay turned this flight into a private party! ✈️🥳 Watch how the amazing crew and I made the most of it! #americanairlines #flightattendant #airplanetiktok #privateparty #FlightFun #delayedflight #fyp #viral
After a near 18 hours delay, everybody except for Phil Stringer had given up on a flight heading from Oklahoma City to Charlotte. Did that stop him from having the time of his life? Hell no. you can read the full wholesome story here.
7. Gorillas, lemurs and more beat the heat with Pride-themed rainbow ice pops
Happy Pride to humans and animals everywhere. Stay cool, y’all.
8. The family that sings together, stays together.
New Jersey’s Sharpe Family Singers wowed the “America’s Got Talent” crowd with a sensational cover of “How far i’ll Go” from Disney’s Moana. But even more inspiring than their talent is the sheer amount of fun they have together on stage.
9. Friends come in all shapes and sizes…including hummingbird size.
You know how they say you attract more bees with honey? The same could be said for nectar and hummingbirds. That’s why this clever 4-year-old girl hid herself in a nectar suit to get up close and personal with some bird friends. The sweet experiment proved a success.
10. And last but not least: when anxiety levels are too high, follow this dog’s lead and take a chill pill
Of course, in this pup’s case…there can be too much of a good thing. But even his hilarious “melting face” is enough to put a smile on ours. How about you?
Anybody who thought the vinyl resurgence was just a fad was mistaken: The industry has experienced a legitimate revival. As a result, music fans are interested in physical media in ways they may not have if the decades-old medium hasn’t made a comeback. That doesn’t mean everybody is listening to just their parents’ old music, though. That’s part of it, sure, thanks to rereleases that present classic albums in new ways. A vital part of the renewed vinyl wave, though, is new projects being released as records, of which there are plenty.
Whatever you might be into, each month brings a new slew of vinyl releases that has something for everybody. Some stand out above the rest, naturally, so check out some of our favorite vinyl releases of June below.
The Age Of Pleasure was definitely the most-talked-about album of June, due in part to Monáe’s racy rollout and in part to the music just being excellent. In the video above, Monáe shows off the striking vinyl edition, which features warm alternate cover art and a gigantic painting of breasts on the inside.
As part of its Anthology series, Vinyl Me, Please is revisiting an iconic Waylon Jennings run, from 1973 to 1981, with an eight-album box set. It’s a must-have for fans, as it comes alongside 28 pages of listening notes and even a podcast that dives into Jennings’ storied career as one of country’s biggest icons.
Otis Redding — Otis Forever: The Albums & Singles (1968-1970)
Redding tragically died in a 1967 plane crash, but the music kept flowing after that. Four posthumous albums were released from 1968 to 1970, including the beloved The Dock Of The Bay. That and more has been compiled in a new box set (limited to only 1,000 copies), which features the four albums and mono versions of 24 singles from the albums.
Willie Nelson is 90 years old and not stopping, as he has Bluegrass, a new album (his 151st!), on the way soon. For now, though, it’s time to look back with a quick series of reissues. First up is 2002’s The Great Divide, which features collaborations with folks like Sheryl Crow, Rob Thomas, Alison Krauss, and others.
At 82 years old, Bob Dylan is showing no signs of slowing. He just dropped Shadow Kingdom, his 40th album, in early June, and it features new recordings of songs from the first half of Dylan’s esteemed career, along with a new instrumental track, “Sierra’s Theme.” The reinterpretations stem from Dylan’s 2021 concert film, Shadow Kingdom: The Early Songs Of Bob Dylan.
Madonna — Finally Enough Love: The Rainbow Edition
Last summer, Madonna dropped Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones, a retrospective box set that offers a great overview of her pop dominance. She decided to revive the project here in Pride Month by re-dubbing it Finally Enough Love: The Rainbow Edition. Naturally, the vinyl it’s pressed on comes in a variety of vibrant colors, making it an awesome way to celebrate.
Gossamer was a huge moment for Passion Pit, as the 2012 sophomore album vaulted the group into the mainstream conversation with a No. 4 peak on the Billboard 200 chart and the multi-platinum single “Take A Walk.” They’re a bit late but the new 10th-anniversary reissue is still appreciated, and fans will love this: The reissue features “American Blood” and “Almost There,” both of which were previously only available as bonus tracks on the 2012 Japanese CD release.
Included on Flaming Lips’ 6-CD Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots 20th Anniversary Box Set was a collection of four fan-favorite tracks only officially available as part of that release. Now, they’ve been given their first-ever vinyl release on a new standalone collection, pressed on lovely pink vinyl.
TLC — CrazySexyCool and FanMail (Vinyl Me, Please Reissues)
Vinyl Me, Please
Much has been made about the 50th anniversary of hip-hop in 2023, and part of Sony’s celebrations include teaming up with Vinyl Me, Please for some fresh reissues. For the occasion, TLC’s two biggest albums, FanMail and CrazySexyCool, are getting new releases, and the former even comes with a 7-inch.
Towards the end of 2022, Alex G wrapped up a headlining tour with three sold-out hometown shows at Philadelphia’s Union Transfer. Now he’s sourced a new live album from those performances, but vinyl isn’t just the best way to hear it: It’s the only way, as the 14-track Live From Union Transfer isn’t currently set to be released on any format besides LP.
A lot has happened for rising Atlanta star Kaliii since Uproxx last spoke to her about the release of her debut EP, Toxic Chocolate. In addition to landing on the 2022 XXL Freshman list, her April single “Area Codes” has taken off, spawning a multitude of remixes featuring Luh Tyler, Mello Buckzz, and more. She was also highlighted at the BET Awards earlier this month, highlighting how far she’s come.
Now, with a slight name change and a new era ahead of her — those extra two “i’s” make all the difference — she’s turning the page with a deluxe reissue of Toxic Chocolate: Area Codes Edition and collecting all those remixes into one compilation, Area Codes: The Remixes. The new version of the EP adds the breakout hit, which peaked at No. 33 on the Billboard Hot 100, and establishes her name change, which will kick in on DSPs within the next few weeks.
Along with the reissue, Kaliii has become an in-demand feature rapper, appearing on BreezyLYN’s “Bad Bitches” remix alongside Brooklyn breakout Lola Brooke and Finesse2Tymes’ “Shiesty” with St. Louis standout Sexyy Red.
You can check out the “718” remix of “Area Codes” featuring Kenzo B up top.
Toxic Chocolate: Area Codes Edition is out now via Atlantic. Get it here.
Kaliii is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
(Spoilers for Apple TV+’s Silo will be found below.)
With Silo‘s first season finale airing on Apple TV+, the audience saw Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson) leave her lifelong home after being cast out by a sinister Bertrand (Tim Robbins) and Common’s Inexplicable Leather Jacket. Unlike the other Cleaners who have been exiled or have left the silo due to their own choice, Juliette somehow does not die outside in the toxic air. Instead, she briefly falters, sees some janky visuals through her helmet, and then climbs up the hill and freaking disappears.
This, of course, causes some chaos — where did she gooooooo — and the season ends. Those who have swallowed Hugh Howey’s Wool omnibus already know where the show will (probably) take her, but will viewers definitely get to see it happen?
Yes. As of June 14, Apple TV+ had renewed the world-building, dystopian series from showrunner Graham Yost. Additionally, Ferguson recently spoke with Collider and confirmed that Season 2 has already begun filming. She also offered (to Collider’s Steve Weintraub) her hunch on how long the show will run, based upon her current commitment:
“I think two, three years ahead. Right now, sir, it’s one fantastic f*cking show, and we’ve green-lit number two. Apple is extremely happy, and I’m happier. That’s where I’m gonna leave it. We started filming Season 2 quite recently, so we are chockablock, smack back in the beginning of the shoot. I am doing this for some time in the future.”
Silo‘s full first season is available on Apple TV+.
The NBA will, once again, look to curb flopping by instituting new penalties for players that are found guilty of embellishing (or, more accurately, outright faking) contact to draw calls from officials.
After flopping fines came and went, the league will vote in a couple weeks on whether to try a new method: flopping technicals. According to Shams Charania, flopping T’s are one of two potential rules changes up for vote in July, along with giving coaches a second challenge for a successful first challenge — which would bring the NBA’s replay policy in line with most other sports.
Sources: The NBA Board of Governors will vote on July 11 to approve two changes that would begin in the 2023-24 season:
– In-game penalty for flops resulting in technical foul free throw (trial basis) – A second coach’s challenge awarded if first challenge is successful
The challenge rule is one that I would guess passes, as it will have a lot of support from coaches and teams, while only adding one potential extra stoppage. The flopping technical is a much trickier situation to figure out, because while a good idea in theory, it’s going to be incredibly hard to adjudicate in game.
Officials already have a hard time discerning flopping from fouls when making calls, especially because a lot of flops are coming after actual contact. If enacted, I would assume most of the technicals handed out will be done for egregious flops when a player completely fakes contact (and fails to get the intended call). We also don’t know if these will be reviewed (which adds another stoppage to the game) or just called on the floor by the officials, who will probably be wary of calling flopping T’s for anything borderline.
The league’s clear path rule has been a success, as the purposeful Euro-foul became nearly extinct last year by adding a free throw and possession. I have a hard time imagining flopping technicals would have the same efficacy, but I understand why they’d be willing to give them a trial run. I just can’t see a world where it works to get it out of the game simply because the players are so good at selling actual contact that officials won’t want to call a flopping T for an actual foul.
As the start of the 2023-24 NBA season gets set to begin with free agency opening at 6 p.m. ET, there are still some moves being made before then as teams look to clear (or use up) some of their cap space.
Earlier in the day, Chris Duarte got moved from Indiana to Sacramento into cap space, as the Kings continue to make clear they aren’t looking to make a huge splash in free agency after also re-signing Harrison Barnes to an extension. The Pacers, meanwhile, have become the team everyone is watching with regards to wing free agents (as well as possible trades), as they’ve opened up a lot of room to make some additions to their young core, headlined by Tyrese Haliburton.
A similar move got done in the afternoon, when the Nets shipped Joe Harris off to Detroit along with a pair of second round picks, clearing some of their cap sheet as well as creating a massive trade exception for Brooklyn, while the Pistons use a large chunk of their $30 million in space to add some much-needed shooting and get some future picks for the trouble of taking on Harris’ salary.
Along with Harris and his $19.9M expiring contract, the Nets are sending the Pistons a 2027 second-round pick via Dallas and a 2029 second-round pick via Bucks, sources tell ESPN.
Harris is due $19.9 million next season as the last year of his contract, meaning the Pistons will once again have considerable space next offseason but add a veteran shooter for this year. The Nets, meanwhile, don’t clear any actual space but do open up a trade exception as well as getting a lower tax bill for now, allowing them to make some additions via trade should they find the opportunity. Whether this is truly a “move before the move” or just a cost-saving measure is something we’ll only know in time, but it’s certainly a deal that will shift some eyes to Brooklyn to see if they have something else cooking over the next few days.
This also would seem to take Detroit out of the running for giving Cam Johnson a massive offer sheet, which certainly helps Brooklyn’s hopes of retaining the sharpshooting forward.
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