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A Fox News Anchor Surprisingly Rushed To Hunter Biden’s Defense After Cocaine Was At The White House

After reports of cocaine being found at the White House sparked a wave of social media jokes about Hunter Biden, the president’s son found a surprising ally on Fox News of all places.

While discussing the confirmation that the substance found at the White House was cocaine, Fox Business anchor Cheryl Casone called out conservative media figures like Donald Trump, Jr. who have used the incident to go after the president’s son. Casone stressed the important thing is finding out how the narcotics made it into the building before lecturing the Fox News audience on showing some empathy for Hunter Biden.

Via The Daily Beast:

“Of course, social media starts making fun—bringing up Hunter’s name, it’s not funny,” Casone exclaimed. “And I think that there’s a lot of cheap shots taken at Hunter Biden.” She concluded: “He is a recovering addict. Nobody wants to see him regress or slip back into addiction. And I think the comments were tasteless.”

While Casone’s comments were an unusually humane approach to Hunter Biden that’s rarely seen on the network, she was right back to slinging red meat to conservative viewers. During another segment, Casone argued that tipping has “gotten out of control.” Every service industry employee wants one, and Casone doesn’t like it.

“I think people are getting actually a little fed up with it,” Casone said. “We’re seeing now a lot of pushback about that tip jar because it’s everywhere that you do business.”

(Via The Daily Beast, Mediaite)