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Trump Reportedly Had His Daughter Ivanka Attend Business Deals With Him Because ‘All Men Want To Sleep With Her’

A parent isn’t supposed to have a favorite kid. A parent also isn’t supposed to store boxes full of classified documents by the toilet, so even sniffly Donald Trump Jr. knows that his father prefers Ivanka over his other kids. But Trump’s partiality for Ivanka is downright creepy.

Trump has reportedly made lewd comments about Ivanka’s appearance and talked about “what it might be like to have sex with her,” ex-White House official Miles Taylor wrote in his book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump. Trump also allegedly had Ivanka attend business deals because he thought “all men want to sleep with her,” his former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen claimed on the Mea Culpa podcast.

“The father, Donald, used to turn around when she would leave, he’d be like, ‘She is just lucky that she is so good looking, that all women want to be her, and all men want to sleep with her.’ That is why he would send her on certain deals because there would be a banker there, a guy, and so on,” Cohen said.

Trump has a long record of speaking about his eldest daughter’s attractiveness, once famously stating that if she weren’t his daughter, “perhaps I’d be dating her.”

No wonder Ivanka has zero interest in helping her pops.

(Via Business Insider)