When Donald Trump visited NATO headquarters in 2017 and literally shoved world leaders out of the way to get a better position for a photo, most people viewed that as yet another embarrassing sign that he’s unfit to be president. Not Jesse Watters! The Fox News host couldn’t stop gushing about the viral moment while bashing Joe Biden for not doing the same.
Biden met with NATO leaders in Lithuania this week where Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a pressing topic. Like a respectable politician and human beings, Biden did not shove other world leaders out of his way, and in true Fox News style, Watters argued that America is weaker for it.
Watters: When all the leaders were heading to a photo op, Trump pushed the president of Montenegro out of the way so he could be front and center. Biden doesn’t do that pic.twitter.com/uULczb4Gao
— Acyn (@Acyn) July 12, 2023
“The American president usually dominates every room,” Watters said. “When [George W.] Bush went overseas, he commanded authority. Every leader was trying to get facetime. Optics is always important in politics, especially overseas. The world’s watching.”
Cue the Trump gushing. Via Mediaite:
Trump knew that – 2017, when all the leaders were heading to a photo op, Trump pushed the president [sic] of Montenegro out of the way so he could be front and center. Sorry, Montenegro. we got the F-35s. Biden doesn’t do that. Looks like a freshman on the first day of school.
As Mediaite notes, this isn’t the first time that Watters has worshipped at the feet of Trump’s childish impulses. He made similar remarks when Biden visited Brussels last year.
“Remember, he pushed the president [sic] of Montenegro out of the way so he could be upfront and center on stage – leading? Everybody knew there he was in charge,” Watters said. “Not Joe Biden. He’s not acting like a leader.”
Yes, Donald Trump, a real manly man who reportedly spends hours each morning applying pancake makeup and elaborately constructing his hair before going out into the world.
(Via Mediaite)