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Of Course Greg Gutfeld Had A Super Classy Response To Geraldo’s ‘Toxic’ Blind Item About ‘The Five’ Hosts

Greg Gutfeld couldn’t resist reacting to Geraldo Rivera‘s latest interview with The View where the ousted Fox News anchor revealed that he was fired from The Five due to a “very toxic relationship with another of the cast members.”

While Rivera didn’t name names while talking to The View, he did offer enough hints to narrow the list down to either Gutfeld or Jesse Watters, who was recently tapped to take over Tucker Carlson’s time slot. Here’s what Rivera said after Sarah Haines asked if he felt it was unfair that he was fired instead of his allegedly toxic colleague.

Via Entertainment Weekly:

“Sure. I also thought it was very unfair that I was not judged objectively in our disputes, but rather that he was always favored. I was the one, I was suspended three times, my appearances, I had two three appearances schedule weekly then bi-weekly, then monthly, then they kind of disappeared, they were canceled in the last day right before I was supposed to go on,” he added. “So, I was really ticked off.”

Later that night, Gutfeld reacted to Rivera’s remarks. The “comedian” cracked a joke about the ladies of The View that made Gutfeld the prime suspect as the toxic cast member that Rivera couldn’t stand. Plus, not for nothing, the two frequently butted heads on air.

“Hmmm, no no no no no, poor thing,” Gutfeld said via The Wrap. “In lieu of flowers, we’ve set up a GoFundMe page to get him a barber. … But I credit ‘The View’ for finally finding a guest with a mustache bigger than their panelists. They’re a hairy bunch.”

You can see Gutfeld take a swing at Geraldo and The View in the opening minutes below:

(Via Entertainment Weekly, The Wrap)