When Alex Jones and Roger Stone get together, you know you’ve got the top minds of MAGA-world working at full power. Nothing is going to get by those two, and in this case, that involves Donald Trump revealing that he received a target letter from Special Counsel Jack Smith for his involvement in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capital and various other attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
According to Jones, the Democrats are obviously going to plan some sort of false flag attack to distract the masses from Trump being indicted for the third time even though most Democrats want people to know that the former president in a constant world of legal trouble.
Nevertheless, Jones told Stone that he’s convinced the Dems will probably do something involving “a meteorite” as they so often do?
Via Raw Story:
“That’s why you agree that minus them doing a false flag, these attacks on populism and who we want and our president won’t work,” Jones said. “I’m just saying, how else are they going to do this when it’s destroying them and get away with it?”
“I don’t see how else, another war, a power outage, a meteorite, how do they change the subject from the persecution of who we want and who our president is?” he added.
Jones also suggested the Democrats would stage a “false flag” to make Trump supporters look bad.
“I’d say 95% chance, truck bombs, mass shootings, blamed on Trump, blamed on you, blamed on me,” Jones said. “I would say right after he’s indicted.”
Wrong, Alex. The Democrats are going to specifically blame you for the meteorite. You shouldn’t have trifled with space, man!
(Via Raw Story)