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Mitt Romney Made An Utterly Bizarre Video For His ‘Favorite Meat’ On National Hot Dog Day

Did you know yesterday was National Hot Dog Day? Mitt Romney did, and he celebrated by holding a hot dog like an absolute weirdo.

“Well, as you all know, today is National Hot Dog Day and perhaps you also know that hot dog is my favorite meat,” the Ted Lasso-loving senator said in a bizarre video where he’s walking down the halls of Congress while clutching a hot dog and wearing a weiner hat. “I love hot dogs. I love ’em in buns, I love ’em outside of buns, I love ’em with baked beans, I just like hot dogs. It’s the best, you know, best meat there is, without question.”

We get it. Mitt is like a wife guy, but for hot dogs. A hot dog guy.

He continued, “So to all of you who like me are celebrating National Hot Dog Day, congratulations to you and may there be many, many more hot dogs served in our wonderful land.”

Romney’s walk-and-talk video (Sorkin could never) wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen in Washington D.C. on Wednesday — Marjorie Taylor Greene showing images of Hunter Biden having sex with a prostitute during an oversight committee hearing takes the cake — but it’s still plenty odd. “I’ve never seen someone look so out of place holding a hot dog and wearing a baseball cap,” Twitter user @Joe_Roberts01 wrote, while @mynameisntdave tweeted, “He didn’t even take a bite of the hot dog. He’s just… holding it.”

Jamie Loftus, who literally wrote the book on hot dogs, added:

Here’s more:

(Via Mediaite)