Time was the movies just ended. The credits rolled, listing every single person who worked on them, and you stayed and read them all (or just let the movie sit with you for a few minutes) or you vamoosed. Long credits are a modern phenomenon: Before the 1970s, end credits were short to non-existent. What credits you got usually happened during the opening, and they weren’t comprehensive.
Anyway, you didn’t come here to learn about the history of end credits. You came to learn if the money-gobbler that is Barbie, the live-action movie based on the longtime Mattel doll line, and which has enraged weirdo conservatives, has any post-credit scenes à la Marvel movies. More on that in a bit.
Back to Marvel. Starting with the one that started it all, Iron Man, Marvel made sitting through the end credits — and maybe even reading them — a must. Sometimes their bumpers and post-credit scenes, which can run anywhere from one to five or so, hint at future movies. Sometimes they’re just jokes, the most famous being the shawarma sitdown at the conclusion of the original Avengers.
Eventually other, non-Marvel movies started including them. It’s a chance for filmmakers to add little epilogues or even gags to their movies — things they couldn’t fit into the main show.
Anyway, to answer your question about whether Barbie has any scenes after its hilarious final punchline, the answer is no.