There’s a parent out there who must be pretty proud of their son for standing up for himself and refusing to go along with the crowd that was playing pranks on the neighbors. Instead, he took their game of ding-dong ditch and tried to turn it into something positive.
A video of the boy, first shared to TikTok by a Minnesota mom named Ashley, has received over 5 million views. It shows a young boy looking sincerely into a doorbell camera before brushing a bug off the lens and sharing some positive affirmations with the stranger who lives in the house.
“You matter, alright? There’s always going to be someone who cares about you. You’re a good person. No matter what people say about you, you matter,” the boy says before one of the kids he’s with rings the doorbell and runs off.
@ashleyfayeann Random acts of kindness ❤️
“Ignore them. They’re losers,” the kid says about the boys roaming the neighborhood. “They’re ding-dong ditching you. I’m just trying to say something nice…You matter, man. Or girl. Whoever you are, you matter to someone. Just keep that in mind. Don’t forget that.”
The young child is wise beyond his years, and his refusal to go along with the crowd shows that he has a bright future ahead of him.
“We need more kind kids in this world,” Zoe commented on the video.
“Someone gotta let him know that he matters too,” Rozei wrote.
The video must have been touching for the person who received it, but the way the boy delivers the message almost feels universal, like he’s speaking to all of us. You matter.