First rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene squabbled on the House floor, and now, two dude representatives are going at it like frat bros. Is Congress alright?
It doesn’t appear so. They have been at each other’s throats even more than usual, which is saying something because politics is not a friendly game or profession. Friction between Boebert and Greene recently heated up and graduated not only into a bathroom fight but also a House floor altercation that included Greene calling Boebert a “little b*tch” over a rivalry involving articles of impeachment against President Biden.
Now, yes, a couple of male senators are reportedly doing even worse. The Daily Beast reports that this dust-up took place on June 21 when Democrats and Republicans came to verbal blows over censuring Rep. Adam Schiff. This apparently led to Swalwell turning to McCarthy and declaring, “This is pathetic” and “You’re a weak man.” Neither man would confirm or deny these claims to the press, but The Daily Beast heard from two (anonymous) House members who relayed that the situation grew much worse on June 22 when McCarthy saw Swalwell during a bathroom break. Sh*t reportedly got real:
“McCarthy said, ‘If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the shi*t out of you,’” a member claimed to The Daily Beast.
Another member who witnessed the exchange provided even more context: “They were in each other’s faces. Basically nose-to-nose. And Swalwell said something like, ‘Are we really gonna do this?’”
After some back-and-forth, with chests puffed out, McCarthy issued a challenge to Swalwell: “Call me a pu**y again, and I’ll kick your a**,” the Speaker allegedly said.
At which point, the two House members both told The Daily Beast, Swalwell answered like this: “You. Are. A. P***y.”
Once again, I ask whether lawmakers are alright? The heat seems to be getting to everyone, but if this story is true, then these two need to take more than a chill pill.
(Via The Daily Beast)