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Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Being Dragged For Demanding That The House ‘Rules Of Decorum’ Be Followed After, Well, Everything That She’s Done

Marjorie Taylor Greene is not exactly the portrait of manners and decorum. She honestly seems to shun the very thought, given that she heckled President Biden while he discussed his dead son (Beau) during a State Of The Union speech. She also showed censored nude photos of Biden’s other son (Hunter) during a House Oversight Committee hearing, which is still hard to believe actually happened, even when it comes to Greene.

As well, Greene recently doubled down on calling rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert a “little b*tch” on the House floor, which has led some of their colleagues to admit that they wouldn’t be surprised if that rivalry came to a fist fight. With all of that considered, it’s rather rich for Greene to take umbrage with Rep. Robert Garcia, who dared to show a screenshot of Greene’s very public tweets. Garcia was drawing attention to how Greene equated requirements for employees to be vaccinated against Covid with how “the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a gold star.”

Garcia’s point was not only that certain “members of this committee spread irresponsible facts” but also, obviously, that they “attack vaccines.” Well, Greene was not pleased to see the actual words that she said up on a screen, so she objected: “I ask the members be reminded of the rules of decorum.”

To which plenty of people are amused at where Greene draws the line. She deems it appropriate to show nude photos of the president’s son with the resulting footage being shown across the U.S., but what about showing a tweet and directly quoting her words? That makes her furious.

Garcia was first in line to respond to this contradiction.

He wasn’t alone. Enter the flow of people who still can’t believe Greene’s behavior. And surely, this won’t be the last time that this happens.