Steph Curry has accomplished just about everything a player can accomplish in the NBA. He’s won multiple MVPs, scoring titles, NBA championships, and even that elusive Finals MVP. But even future Hall of Famers seek validation from their idols to truly know they have what it takes to make it in the NBA. Curry entered the league in 2009, soon after the late great Kobe Bryant won his fourth championship and the mythos around the Black Mamba was at its peak. An acknowledgement from Bryant meant more than any other player’s during that time. Curry recently went on the Hot Ones podcast and shared his favorite memories of playing Kobe, including the moment where Bryant validated his game as young player.
There’s always a reverence NBA players observe when they specifically reference to an acknowledgement from Bryant. Even as a youngster, Curry pulled out his most preposterous shot making when he needed to prove a point. In a way, Curry took the mantle from Bryant as the league’s best tough shotmaker. While Bryant created magic in the midrange, Steph expanded on that beyond the arc to make shots from all different angles and platforms. Curry continues to reign as the league’s best shot maker and this clip proves that Bryant was a bit ahead of the curve on seeing the greatness in a young Curry.