Jeopardy! has always attracted the best and the brightest. It’s Wheel of Fortune that tends to score terrible guesses. But every now and then someone has a massive brain fart, maybe two. That’s what happened to Sharon Bishop, a high school Spanish teacher hailing from Pawtucket, Rhode Island, who had not one but two all-time bad responses — before almost winning the game.
As per The Big Lead, Friday night’s show saw Bishop ringing in for a $200 answer in the category “Messin’ with Texas.” The clue: “In 2014 Decatur, Texas rescheduled this holiday back to the 30th, as it conflicted with Friday Night High School Football.” The correct question: Halloween, of course.
That’s not what Bishop said, though. She went with…”football.”
Might be the worst guess of all time pic.twitter.com/Qqa4nvyBJX
— Jake Malasek (@jakemalasek) July 28, 2023
These things happen! In fact, sometimes they happen twice.
oh my god she’s on fire pic.twitter.com/qFEcrB8t9A
— Jake Malasek (@jakemalasek) July 28, 2023
Later on the show, Bishop dinged in on a $400 clue for the category “Real Fast,” which concerned a track record held by Sifan Hassan, when she clocked in at 4 minutes, 12.33 seconds. Which event was it? Bishop answered with “the 50-yard dash.”
Suffice to say, no one’s going to win a medal taking a handful of minutes to run 50 yards. Even host Ken Jennings had to make a light joke about it before revealing it was really a mile run.
It’s cool, though, because otherwise Bishop did really well. By the time Final Jeopardy reared its head, she was up $17,000. She ultimately lost, but second on Jeopardy! is nothing to sneeze at. Hey, it’s not in the same universe as that episode that had a whopping 23 stumpers.
(Via The Big Lead)