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A Fox News Analyst Is Warning Republicans That ‘Trump Can’t Win’ And Could Get ‘Drubbed’ In 2024

A Fox News legal analyst is warning Republican voters not to be mesmerized by a new poll that shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden in a tie heading into the 2024 presidential election. Writing for the National Review, Andrew McCarthy bluntly stated that Trump has no chance of winning.

“I persist in the conviction that Trump doesn’t have a prayer of being elected president again,” McCarthy writes before laying out his case for why Trump is doomed going up against Biden, or any Democrat.

Via Mediaite:

“The problem for Trump is he has no upside,” McCarthy wrote. “He is as known a quantity as has ever sought the presidency. In a normal race, the 46 percent of Republicans who do not favor Trump could be expected to ‘come home’ in droves in the general election if he is the nominee. That is not true of Trump.”

McCarthy wrote that to have a chance at winning in 2024, “Trump has to make up that support. But from where?” noting that Trump’s “unfavorability” with the general public “hovers around 60 percent.”

McCarthy argued that Biden, or a theoretical replacement, won’t have a similar problem. “The Democrats — unlike the Republicans — are not going to have a quarter of their base refuse to support the nominee.”

To support McCarthy’s assertion, a recent poll of Fox News viewers showed that while 91% of the respondents said they don’t believe that Trump committed any crimes, only 42% said they’d support Trump in 2024. 43% said they would not support him. Those are not great numbers going into a rematch with Biden, who already mopped the floor with Trump in 2020 despite the former president’s never-ending claims to the contrary.

(Via Mediaite)