There’s a ton going on right now in the MAGA political realm, what with the most recent ex-president being indicted for a third time. Additionally, there’s quite another controversy at hand, and although this one doesn’t involve circumventing the entire fabric of democracy, it might nonetheless give you the heebie jeebies. A few months ago, the world learned about a sexual harassment suit against Rudy Giuliani from his former assistant, Noelle Dunphy. The revelations at that time included claims that Rudy guzzled Viagra (one can only hope this is not related to his hair-dye problem in any way) and demanded that she help him “take care of this.” Another part of the suit discussed Giuliani’s offer to represent her in another lawsuit on a pro bono basis, as long as she agreed to “f*ck me like crazy.”
Well, the wheels of justice are always slow, so that suit’s been simmering in the background, and the man who was filmed in a compromising position during Borat 2 is still up against allegations that he sexually assaulted and sexually harassed Dunphy, who worked for him in 2019. Also and for what it’s worth, Rudy previously attempted to have all Borat 2 references stricken from the record of this lawsuit, in which Dunphy alleges that he forced her to perform oral sex upon him.
Via Business Insider, newly filed transcripts from Dunphy paint an alleged portrait of long-lived sexual harassment, claiming that Giuliani repeatedly referred to Dunphy as “big tits,” and he wanted to legally “own” her.
“Come here, big tits. Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits,” Giuliani told Dunphy on March 12, 2019, according to one transcript filed as a court exhibit.
“I want to own you, officially,” Giuliani told Dunphy according to a March 4, 2019 transcript, punctuated by her affirmative response. “Legally, with a document.”
Dunphy’s attorney, Justin Kelton, relayed that his client was “in possession of multiple additional recordings” but had only provided “a handful of straightforward examples in the interest of efficiency and economy.” This included Rudy reportedly declaring, “I can’t think about you or I get hard,” and then there was his alleged rant about Matt Damon (who married Luciana Barroso almost two decades ago): “Matt Damon is a f–. Matt Damon is also 5’2. Eyes are blue. Coochie-coochie-coochie-coo.”
Somehow, that’s not all. Via Rolling Stone, Rudy went off on the subject of penises, and somehow, he continues to make things worse for himself: “Jewish men have small c*cks because they can’t use them after they get married. Whereas the Italian men use them all their lives so they get bigger.” Presumably, Giuliani was arguing that he’s Italian, and therefore… yeah, no one wants to think about that.
Before these new transcripts surfaced, Rudy had already attempted to get this lawsuit dismissed while denying all of Dunphy’s claims and asking that she and her attorney should be sanctioned. That hasn’t happened yet.
(Via Business Insider & Rolling Stone)