While traveling to his third arraignment after being indicted on conspiracy charges for his actions leading up to and including the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building, Donald Trump still found time to attack his Republican primary challenger Ron DeSantis.
Despite being ensconced in a whirlwind of legal trouble, Trump has managed to stay ahead of DeSantis in the polls. In fact, Trump has actually widened the gap, and the former president isn’t about to stop pummeling his opponent anytime soon. In a new attack ad posted to Truth Social, DeSantis is seen profusely praising Trump while running for re-election in 2022.
Via Raw Story:
“I want to thank him for what he’s done for our economy,” DeSantis says in the ad. “Trump has almost the entire media against him. Fake news day after day after day. He’s facing opposition, unlike any other president we’ve seen. And he is standing tall for us.”
“And I think that Donald Trump has done a better job appointing judges to both the U.S. Supreme Court and the appeals court than any other president in my lifetime, including one of my heroes, Ronald Reagan,” the ad continues. “Is this Trump country or what?”
The campaign spot arrives on the heels of DeSantis trying out a new tough-talking approach to his campaign, which saw the Florida governor tell a crowd of New Hampshire Republicans that Mexican cartel members are going to be “shot stone cold dead” and federal bureaucrats are in for a rude awakening.
“We are going to start slitting throats on Day One,” DeSantis told a crowd full of barbecue-eating locals.
(Via Raw Story)