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Trump Insists That He Was Being ‘Extremely Respectful’ Of Chris Christie With His ‘Fat Pig’ Remarks

Donald Trump, who doesn’t believe in exercise because he thinks a person is born with a “finite amount” of energy and claims to know the McDonald’s menu better than the people who work there, called Chris Christie a “fat pig” during a rally in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

“He’s eating right now, he can’t be bothered,” the former president joked about his GOP rival from New Jersey. He then pointed to a person in the crowd and said, “Sir, please do not call him a fat pig. That’s very disrespectful. Don’t call him. See, I’m, I’m trying to be nice. Don’t call him a fat pig. You can’t, you can’t do that. So now, because you’re not allowed to do that, and therefore we’re not gonna do it, OK? We want to be very civil, right?”

Trump is now claiming he was actually “extremely respectful” of Christie because he was defending him from being called a “fat pig,” you see.

“I was extremely respectful of Sloppy Chris Christie today in New Hampshire,” he wrote on Truth Social following the rally. “During a speech in front of a large crowd of Patriots, somebody shouted out that ‘Chris Christie is a fat pig.’ Rather than acknowledging that, which many speakers would have done, I said, ‘No, No, he is not a fat pig.’ I’m sure Chris would have been very happy with my defense of him!”

Narrator voice: he wasn’t.

(Via the Daily Beast)