Mike Lindell’s “Election Crime Bureau Summit” is only two days long, but it should last a week. Maybe two. To quote an iconic Darren Rovell tweet, “I feel bad for our country. But this is tremendous content.”
The increasingly-desperate pillow man teased that the “historical event,” held in a hotel and convention center in Springfield, Illinois, like all good historical events, would culminate in a plan to prevent election fraud that “has never been done before in world history… This is such a perfect plan, the only way it fails is if we do not get the word out to the entire country.”
Boy, I bet it’s good and definitely doesn’t involve any drones. Let’s check in with Springfield News-Leader reporter Kelly Dereuck, who was there on site. “Live from the Mike Lindell event on day 2: so far the plan to secure our elections is to fly a wifi detection device on drones over polling places to see if voting machines are connected to the internet,” she tweeted. After losing all his Walmart money, Lindell must be hoping to put MyPillow-branded drones on Best Buy shelves.
Take a Tylenol now. You will get a headache looking at… whatever this is.
“The Plan” by Mike Lindell is some kind of device on a drone called a Wireless Monitoring Device (WMD) that will pick up wireless networks near polling areas, which he claims will prove in real time if votes are being “stolen.”
Basically, he’s trying to do a 2000 Mules. pic.twitter.com/GDGJCgx32N
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) August 17, 2023
The dozens of people in attendance must have been shocked by this revelation.
I hope nobody tells Mike Lindell about ethernet cables. https://t.co/8OpmJd18Ga
— Darius Longfellow (@DariusLongfella) August 17, 2023
MyPillow’s Mike Lindell has been hyping his secret plan to save elections for a week. He just released it — and it’s a little drone he plans to fly over polling sites. https://t.co/3dnNputy1V
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) August 17, 2023
Mike Lindell’s secret plan to”secure [American] election platforms immediately” was ordering a $20 drone off of Amazon. https://t.co/RHX27xZP7U pic.twitter.com/Q8cpjG9UOd
— Mike Beauvais (@MikeBeauvais) August 17, 2023
Me in 5th grade doing the class project the night before it’s due: https://t.co/XI1KbKHJaD
— Jackson Boaz (@jacksonboaz_) August 17, 2023
I’ll never understand how this guy is going bankrupt with such genius ideas. https://t.co/L5M5JGdALR
— Jingletoes (@Jingletoes) August 17, 2023
Did Mike Lindell just say live on stream that he is planning to deliver “WMD’s” into polling stations using drone??? That sounds so very very illegal in so many ways.
(@CBD37) August 17, 2023
Let’s fucking go https://t.co/72U2vOCASd
— Cento Front (@FrontCento) August 17, 2023
The deep state shall tremble in fear as we have harnessed the power of the novelty mall kiosk against them. They are no match for our airbrushed t-shirts and child-sized animal-themed scooters that can be rented for 15 minutes at a time.
Our wrath knows no bounds! https://t.co/xTwkHCJWPQ
— Delicious Sprees candy. 15 years hard time. (@Crime_sprees) August 17, 2023
Just the absolute dumbest timeline. Calling them WMDs (wireless monitoring devices) is just *chef’s kiss* https://t.co/wrWIyBeFy3
— Judge Judy and Executioner (@JudgyJudes) August 17, 2023