Ahsoka has a lot riding on its shoulders. The latest Star Wars series arrives on the heels of The Mandalorian Season 3, which received a lackluster reception from fans. Factor in the tepid response to Secret Invasion, and it’s been a rough couple of months for Disney+. Ahsoka might just be the antidote.
Starring Rosario Dawson as the title character, the series focuses on Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice as she navigates the Star Wars universe following the collapse of the Empire and the death of her former master in Return of the Jedi. Ahsoka has already made cameo appearances in both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, but this time around, she’s on her own adventure that is getting a warm reception on social media.
Even better, Disney+ has bumped up the Ahsoka release date. The series will now premiere its first two episodes on Tuesday August 23 at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST giving Star Wars fans a neat little treat for the evening.
Thank you to all the fans who celebrated with us at our #Ahsoka fan events around the world last night!
We’re excited to announce that new episodes of #Ahsoka will now launch Tuesdays at 6PM PT, starting with our two-episode premiere on August 22, only on @DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/aANUtKRV7L
— Ahsoka (@ahsokaofficial) August 18, 2023
Here’s what the critics are saying:
“Saw the first two episodes of #Ahsoka and I just sent to day I ****ing love you Dave Filoni,” Mark Pacis tweeted. “He created another series that is an eclectic mix of the best storytelling and character aspects of the Lucas era Star Wars and the visceral style of modern day Star Wars.”
Saw the first two episodes of #Ahsoka and I just sent to day I ****ing love you Dave Filoni.
He created another series that is an eclectic mix of the best storytelling and character aspects of the Lucas era Star Wars and the visceral style of modern day Star Wars. pic.twitter.com/1O8nnwVcZw
— Mark Pacis (insert fake checkmark here) (@PacManNR7) August 18, 2023
“#Ahsoka is solid,” Darren Mooney wrote. “It’s refreshingly well-made, particularly following a run of Disney-brand streaming shows including ‘Secret Invasion’ and the third season of ‘The Mandalorian.’ It’s less interested in being great television than ‘Andor’, but content to be good ‘Star Wars.’”
#Ahsoka is solid.
It’s refreshingly well-made, particularly following a run of Disney-brand streaming shows including “Secret Invasion” and the third season of “The Mandalorian.”
It’s less interested in being great television than “Andor”, but content to be good “Star Wars.” pic.twitter.com/cxHR5ojclu
— Darren Mooney (@Darren_Mooney) August 18, 2023
“Somehow, #Ahsoka’s first two episodes effortlessly translate Dave Filoni’s animated continuity into live-action and then some,” Ben Wasserman tweeted. “@rosariodawson is killing it once again as Ahsoka and live-action Sabine/Hera retain all of their best Rebels traits.”
Ahsoka review: Somehow, #Ahsoka‘s first two episodes effortlessly translate Dave Filoni’s animated continuity into live-action and then some. @rosariodawson is killing it once again as Ahsoka and live-action Sabine/Hera retain all of their best Rebels traits. pic.twitter.com/4tgROEwZob
— Ben Wasserman (@beemerw21) August 18, 2023
“Weirdly refreshing to be back to a Jedi story that doesn’t involve a Skywalker,” Matt Rorabeck wrote. “Feloni clearly gets *it*. Has that classic STAR WARS feel. Should be a thrill for both REBELS fans and those who have never watched. Lightsabers are cool.”
First two episodes of #Ahsoka are real good. Weirdly refreshing to be back to a Jedi story that doesn’t involve a Skywalker. Feloni clearly gets *it*. Has that classic STAR WARS feel. Should be a thrill for both REBELS fans and those who have never watched.
Lightsabers are cool.
— matt rorabeck (@mattrorabeck) August 18, 2023
You can see more Ahsoka reactions below:
First two episodes of #Ahsoka are really good. Even if you’ve never seen #Rebels or #clonewars it’s super easy to follow. Impressed with the action & how it’s all story. No side missions or filler. Can’t wait to see episode 3. Wish I could watch future episodes on a movie screen. pic.twitter.com/x1aEi0DRZ5
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) August 18, 2023
The first 2 eps of #Ahsoka hooked me. Definitely a continuation of Rebels and it’s worth brushing up when we last saw everyone. I cant take my eyes off Ivanna Sakhno whenever she’s on screen and I’m so intrigued by her character. Would like a Loth-cat to cuddle this evening. pic.twitter.com/SKdMSfdjoZ
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) August 18, 2023
I was lucky enough to see the first two episodes of #Ahsoka tonight and the series is off to an excellent start! It feels like a Star Wars movie. Some fun surprises in there for TCW/Rebels fans, but I was impressed with how much it relies on story and character over fan service.
— Kyle Avery (@SlimAvery) August 18, 2023
I think #Ahsoka has a lot of potential. As a Rebels fan, I felt a connection to it that was truly special. And yet it’s hugely epic at some times & oddly flat at others. Sabine is the standout through & by Ep 2 I was fully sucked in. It could go south but I don’t think it will
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) August 18, 2023
A promising start for #Ahsoka with many cool story elements that expand the #StarWars universe and feel different from Mando. Ep 1 has some slow moments involving a MacGuffin but Ep 2 really gels. Sabine is a standout. I think those meeting her for first time will really dig her. pic.twitter.com/Jzt6GFqkAt
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) August 18, 2023
Initial #Ahsoka thoughts: Dave Filoni lovingly brings his rebels to life in a story that embraces mythology, magic, and lore in a way that could turn off, say, ANDOR fans. Slower paced than expected but still enthralling for this Rebels fan. Natasha Liu Bordizzo is my early MVP. pic.twitter.com/fK9lZY4eqo
— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) August 18, 2023
#Ahsoka is a great return to form for the Mando-Verse! Rebels vibes all the way, with good exploration of relationships for both new and old viewers. Takes some time to get going but nails it when it does. Good performances across the board. Sets up Thrawn’s return v well. pic.twitter.com/cmLKAuOIZZ
— Rayyan (@RayyanTCG) August 18, 2023
I got to see #Ahsoka tonight. This was the first Star Wars show to have an opening crawl. Ahsoka is 100% a sequel to Rebels. The 2 episode premiere felt like it was right out of The Clone Wars & Star Wars Rebels, but in live action. pic.twitter.com/duYhtohRzm
— Jorgie (He/Him) (@BaguetteReviews) August 18, 2023
Ahsoka makes it two-episode premiere on August 22 at 9 ET/6 PT on Disney+.