Not everyone can afford regular therapy or even require therapy consistently, but that doesn’t mean those same people don’t need help at times. Life happens. In the moment, you could be struggling with depression that stems from going through a divorce or the loss of a loved one or beloved pet. Your normally manageable anxiety could be feeling like it’s suddenly a freight train barreling towards you after moving to a new city.
These are moments where you might feel like having a little unbiased extra support could be helpful—and that’s where a free app called WhiteFlag could come in. WhiteFlag is an app that connects users who have struggled with similar things. In the mental health field, this is called peer support.
The person lending the support is typically someone who previously experienced the same thing as the person seeking help. It’s an invaluable tool used in multiple mental health settings, and this app has just put it at everyone’s fingertips.
Tiffany Jenkins runs the vlog Juggling the Jenkins and she brought more eyes to the app after posting about using it to her millions of followers. She explains to her followers in a video how the app works, which honestly could be used as an advertisement with how much she praised the app.
“When you first go in and download the app, you put in all the things that you’re struggling with. And then, you raise your white flag when you’re struggling,” Jenkins explains. “And you’re matched by compatibility with other people who’ve been through something similar. Not therapists who are getting paid to listen. They’re anonymous people who understand your struggle and who are willing to talk to you.”
After Jenkins’ quick rundown of how the app works, it’s easy to see how this could be a lifeline for people who are having a difficult time. You can find out more about the app through her video below and on the WhiteFlag website here.