Joe Scarborough did a professional job covering Donald Trump‘s highly questionable height and weight that was reported for his Georgia arrest, but the Morning Joe host just could not keep it together when the topic turned to the description for Trump’s hair.
According to reports, Trump’s staff purportedly sent his height and weight to the jail to speed up the booking process. However, the former president was reported to be 6’3″ and 215 pounds, and the Morning Joe crew was not buying it. Although, they did appreciate the “moment of levity” during the otherwise “sobering” occassion.
Via The Wrap:
“I’ve stood next to him many times. I’m about 6′ 4″. Maybe he’s 6′ 1″, maybe he’s 6′ 1.5″, 6′ 2″. He’s a good bit shorter,” Scarborough said bluntly. “But his staff reported him at 6′ 3″, and in a fighting weight of 215. That would be like if my staff reported me: ‘Describe Mr. Scarborough’s appearance.’ ‘He looks a lot like Robert Redford in 1974.’”
“Wildly, wildly off,” Scarborough continued. “I’m not going to tell you where the over/under is on Donald Trump’s weigh-in, but let’s just say it’s a good 70 or 80 pounds higher than what the staff reported.”
Scarborough maintained his composure during Trump’s measurements, but that all went out the window when co-host Willie Geist reported the description for Trump’s hair.
“I also like the self-reporting of strawberry blonde hair,” Geist said, which caused Scarborough to lose it. “I thought that was a nice flourish as well.”
“Yeah. He really went for it,” a laughing Scarborough responded. “He really went for it.”
You can watch the Morning Joe crew tackle Trump’s height, weight, and luscious hair at the 3:40 mark below:
(Via The Wrap)