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Good Lord, Now A Bunch Of Conservative Commentators Are Comparing Donald Trump To Tupac Shakur

With Donald Trump’s mugshot out in the wild, social media has had a field day reacting to the photo even though this is technically Trump’s fourth arrest. (He’s had a busy summer.)

While most of the reactions have been jokes dunking on the former president, Marjorie Taylor Greene took things to a strange and incoherent level by making up a fake mugshot of herself. However, in a surprise twist, Greene did not corner the market on the most sycophantic reaction to Trump’s arrest. That honor goes to the conservatives filling up Twitter by comparing Trump to, we kid you not, Tupac Shakur. Never in a million years would anyone equate Trump with Tupac, and yet here we are.

“In the urban black community, a mug shot can be an iconic symbol, both of victimization and of greatness,” Dinesh D’Douza tweeted. “It’s a defiant UP YOURS to ‘the man.’ Think Tupac Shakur. Trump is now the ultimate gangsta in our culture.”

“I support Tupac Trump and I’m blocked by Elon Musk. I think I’m becoming a gangster,” noted conservative pundit Catturd tweeted before creating the hasthag #TupacTrump.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for right-wingers to run with the Tupac theme, and quickly get dunked on for what has to be their most out-of-touch comparison yet. Donald Trump and Tupac. What even is reality anymore?

But don’t take our word for it, here’s the actual Tupac sharing his thoughts on Trump:

You can see some of the reactions to #TupacTrump below:

(Via Dinesh D’Souza on Twitter)