Mitch McConnell reportedly experienced another freezing episode in Kentucky this afternoon. While taking questions from reporters, McConnell once again froze in a similar incident to his previous episode during a late July press conference.
“McConnell didn’t respond to a question on re-election,” NBC News’ Ryan Noble tweeted. “He had to be told the question by an aide. He did not respond for more than 30 secs. At one point the aide asked the reporters for a minute.. McConnell then said “Ok” and took two more questions. both of which had to be repeated to him by the aide.”
According to Noble, McConnell seemed fine prior to the freezing episode.
“The press gaggle came after McConnell gave a lengthy speech to a local group and took questions at the end without any trouble,” Noble tweeted. “He told the group that he expected a continuing resolution to deal with the budget situation and described it as a ‘pretty big mess.’”
You can see video of the incident below:
BREAKING NEWS: Sen. Mitch McConnell appearing to have another scary episode in the media gaggle in Covington today. Aides had to step in to help him out and repeat questions. He was eventually lead away. We’ll have the full video on @WLWT pic.twitter.com/q9ex5MHxLV
— Hannah Thomas (@HannahPThomas) August 30, 2023
According to Mediaite, an aide to McConnell has told reporters that the senator briefly felt “momentarily lightheaded,” but he’s now doing “fine.” He will be “consulting a physician prior to his next event.”
While McConnell bounced back quickly from his last freezing episode, that didn’t stop Twitter from quickly filling up with calls for the senator’s retirement as well as Dianne Feinstein’s. Both senators are up there in age and have shown signs of cognitive decline. Their continued presence in Congress has prompted accusations of elder abuse.
You can see some of the reactions below:
Hey, Republicans: Your leader, Mitch McConnell, just froze AGAIN at a press conference. Given how much you talk about President Biden’s age, all of you should be speaking out now & demanding Mitch McConnell resign immediately. This is about his capacity to serve. Say something.
— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) August 30, 2023
The Republicans will tell you “Biden is too old for office” and then immediately vote for Mitch McConnell with a straight, blank look on their faces
— Toyota Jackson
(@theliamnissan) August 30, 2023
A grand bipartisan compromise, but it’s each party convincing Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell to step aside and let their replacements assume their party and committee assignmentshttps://t.co/PVMh4Xead9
— Nick Field (@nick_field90) August 30, 2023
While no fan of him or his politics, as a fellow human being I find it troubling that unwell Mitch McConnell’s family allows him to be subjected to this assault on his dignity by continuing to serve.
They should help him retire gracefully & immediately.
— Fernand R. Amandi (@AmandiOnAir) August 30, 2023
This is sad. Very sad. And I hope his health improves. But just like Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnell really ought to resign from the Senate. Now. https://t.co/R5Bp29bPtJ
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 30, 2023
Look, I don’t especially enjoy watching an old man suffer no matter how endlessly evil he might be, but it’s pretty clear that Mitch McConnell needs to retire.pic.twitter.com/MhgygCRizU
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) August 30, 2023
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell froze again today in public, this time when asked by a reporter in Kentucky if he planned to run for re-election in 2026.
Re-election? He’s 81. This feels like elder abuse to keep him in office. Let him retire.pic.twitter.com/IWIXHRPKqF
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) August 30, 2023
Another freezing episode for Mitch McConnell. Seriously, y’all gotta get him out of Congress for the sake of his health (and in general, to be honest.) He’s gotta take Dianne Feinstein with him, too. pic.twitter.com/xf8YgWICq5
— Charles T (@ChuckyT3) August 30, 2023
Just beyond disturbing. It is time for Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein and others to resign. Now! This is so painfully obvious that it is ridiculous to have to even say it. pic.twitter.com/D6aM0Fhlkb
— Jason Overstreet (@JasonOverstreet) August 30, 2023
Mitch McConnell has done immeasurable damage to our democracy all to pursue power. He will be remembered in the worst ways. With all that being said, someone in his family needs to intervene & ask him to resign. He isn’t healthy. He should be resting & healing. This isn’t right.
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) August 30, 2023