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Kayleigh McEnany’s Claims About ‘Angry’ Joe Biden Raging Through The White House Sound Awfully Familiar (Hide The Ketchup Bottles)

Donald Trump has never tried to hide his rage-filled rants. His off-the-hook tantrums are one of the most predictable things about him, other than that Diet Coke addiction. Granted, we don’t know if Trump is really tossing ketchup bottles while he pitches fits, but his penchant for ALL CAPS RANTS that make “ROID RAGE” trend is, well, a thing.

However, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who has been not-so-affectionally referred to as “milktoast” by her ex-boss, is here to claim that Joe Biden is the real rage monster. While speaking to Tucker Carlson time-slot replacement Jesse Watters, Kayleigh pointed the finger at the guy who apparently couldn’t even drop an f-bomb with the right amount of emphasis (until Obama enlightened him).

In a totally serious manner, Kayleigh is here to talk about how “angry” Joe is the guy who “snaps at staffers,” and she offers no proof.

Kayleigh McEnany is not exactly known for truthful or reality-based statements, but she’s likely full of (as Joe would say) malarky here. Sure, Joe Biden has had a few coarse words at the mic when challenged, just like any other president has done. Yet Kayleigh worked with the “guy who would rage tweet till 4am” while in office, and he still does it.

Kayleigh must have conveniently not noticed a certain Mark Meadows quote: “Because I knew I’d be yelled at by the president of the United States.”

You know what they say: there’s never a bad time for ketchup-bottle jokes: