Donald Trump may be, by far, Republican voters’ favorite for the 2024 candidacy. But that’s just Republicans. Are there enough Trump fans out there for him to actually beat sitting president Joe Biden? Chris Christie doesn’t think so.
As per Raw Story, the former New Jersey governor and fierce Trump critic went on Fox News, where he pushed back against host Howard Kurtz’s arguments that the big guy’s still electable despite all his legal woes.
“But 60 percent of Republicans consistently say they don’t buy these charges,” Kurtz said. “They think it’s partisan. They think it’s weaponization of law enforcement. So, are you misjudging the current state of the GOP?”
But Christie wasn’t buying it. “Whether you think they’re unfair or not, they are going to impact independent voters and soft Democrats in the general election,” he replied. “Both sets of people we need to win a general election as Republicans. And Donald Trump cannot win those people while he’s under indictment of four cases.”
Christie pointed out Trump’s complicity on Jan. 6, the focus of one of his four indictments.
“He asked them to march up to Capitol Hill, said he would walk with them,” the candidate recalled. “But Howie, you and I both know that if Donald Trump has a risk of breaking a fingernail, he’s not going to take that risk. He sat in his office for three hours and watched the people that he had lied to and sent up to Capitol Hill desecrate Capitol Hill.”
Christie concluded that “if you don’t think that these charges and that conduct are going to be a major focus in the general election, if we nominate Donald Trump, you’re kidding yourself. And we’re going to lose.”
Still, if Trump’s convicted and his polling stays golden, Americans may find out what it’s like to have a presidential nominee run from prison — or while under house arrest.
You can watch Christie’s Fox News appearance in the video below.
(Via Raw Story)