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Biden Debuted A Not Very Flattering Nickname For Donald Trump Over One Of His Most Humiliating Milestones

Joe Biden has gone light on Donald Trump, his (for now!) likely rival in the 2024 presidential election. Perhaps he doesn’t think he needs to say much yet. Indeed, the last time he dragged him in public he didn’t even have to say his name. He barely had to say much about the big guy’s historic mugshot. Speaking of names, he debuted a new, unflattering nickname for his predecessor, tied to one of his more humiliating milestones.

As per The Hill, Biden was speaking at a Maryland college Thursday, talking up his “Bidenomics” program that he hopes will help the whole country, not just the top one percent. The nation’s job numbers under his watch have been excellent — a major comeback from what happened during the height of the pandemic. In fact, Biden couldn’t help resist but slam the guy before him for doing such a lousy job on that front.

“Folks, it wasn’t that long ago we were losing jobs in this country,” Biden told the crowd. “In fact, there were only two presidents in American history with fewer jobs the day they left office than when they started. One was President Hoover, and the other was Donald ‘Hoover’ Trump.”

Sure enough, when Trump left office in January 2021, the nation had a whopping three million fewer jobs than when he started four years earlier.

And yet Biden’s approval ratings have been crappy anyway. In a RealClearPolitics poll, just 38 percent of those surveyed approved of how he’s doing, with 58 disapproving.

That hasn’t stopped Biden from touting the good job he’s doing anyway. “Seriously, we’re living through one of the greatest job-creation periods in our history. And, folks, it’s not an accident,” Biden told the crowd Thursday. “That literally is our economic plan in action. Bidenomics in action.”

It also hasn’t stopped the Biden team from seeming to mess with Trump’s mind. After they bowed a “Dark Brandon” mug in early August, Trump was so convinced they were trolling him that he filed a frivolous court complaint.

(Via The Hill)