Last Sunday, Lauren Boebert just wanted to go see the Beetlejuice musical with a date, where should would vape, loudly sing along, get aggressively handsy, etc. How was she to know it would lead to over a week of news coverage? But all good things must come to an end, and it appears the MAGA lawmaker and her companion — who happened to be a Democrat who owns a drag queen-friendly bar — are already Splitsville.
TMZ caught up with Boebert, who cheerfully offered up an update about her new beau. Alas it was not to be.
“Ultimately all future date nights have been cancelled, and I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert said, suggesting that a far right figure who heckles Democratic president while they’re talking about his dead son can’t last very long with someone from the other side of the aisle.
Not that Boebert has anything bad to say about her date. Acknowledging that he’s a “private citizen,” she said that he’s “a wonderful man” and that they had “mostly a lovely time.” She joked that she “would love to know how the musical ended and I encourage people to go and see it.”
As for the two of them, they, she said, “peacefully parted” ways, though she claimed that it had “nothing to do with anything anybody reported,” such as that he may have voted for the guy she’s trying to impeach. Boebert added that he’s a “great man, great friend, and I wish him all the best.”
Perhaps it’s true what they say: Love is dead.
(Via TMZ)