In 2021 Floridians reëlected Ron DeSantis, which is a shame because judging from his 2024 presidential campaign, it looks like they’re stuck with him. But look on the bright side: Things could be worse. They could be ruled by incompetent impeacher and general annoyance Matt Gaetz. Alas, turns out that nightmare could become a reality.
As per NBC News, Gaetz — who’s long been on the shortlist of possible DeSantis successors, presumably even when he was being investigated for ties to a sex trafficking ring — spent part of the weekend allegedly talking up his gubernatorial prospects. During festivities for future speaker of the Florida House held at a Tallahassee Marriott, Gaetz was seen “kind of holding court” as he allegedly talked up a 2026 run.
“There was a lot of talk about it at the reception last night, and Gaetz was telling people to basically expect him to be in,” a longtime Florida GOP lobbyist claimed.
Alas, Gaetz poured some cold water on that one, sort of, not really. “Many did encourage me to consider running for governor one day,” Gaetz told NBC News about the weekend’s transpirings. “But we have an outstanding governor who will be in that position through 2026.” He added, “My only political focus right now is Trump 2024.”
But others are sure the guy who almost got beat up by a fellow Republican lawmaker as he held up Kevin McCarthy’s Speaker vote back in January is a lock, for the GOP nomination at least.
“He’s 100 percent in,” said a Florida Republican. “I think Gaetz is an instant front-runner and from what I hear he’s already won the Trump primary.”
What kind of governor can denizens of the Sunshine State expect if they elect Matt Gaetz? Someone who maturely threatens to quit his job if he doesn’t get his way, for one thing. For another, they’d get a State First Lady who hates the movie Barbie. Choose wisely, Florida.
(Via NBC News)