Just one day after Joe Biden joined the United Auto Workers picket line, Donald Trump is set to hold a rally of his own in Michigan where he hopes to stir up support from auto workers. However, the former president is already off to a rough start.
Trump’s decision to hold the rally at a non-union auto plant is already angering workers. UAW president Shaun Fain called the move “pathetic” as he blasted Trump’s track record on CNN. To drive that point home, anchors Poppy Harlow and Phil Mattingly launched a scathing fact check of the former president’s failed promises.
Mattingly kicked off the segment by playing a clip from Trump on the campaign trail in 2016 where Trump promised that, if elected, “you won’t lose one plant.” As Mattingly noted, “GM ended facilities in Michigan” in 2018.
Harlow was next with another Trump promise from 2017 where he boasted that factory jobs were coming back to Ohio. Via Raw Story:
“They didn’t,” said Harlow. “Two years later, that Lordstown auto plant shut down. It was one of the largest employers for workers in that entire area. Autoworkers union president Shawn Fain pointed out, during a short strike against GM in 2019, Trump and Republicans largely stayed on the sidelines.”
Harlow noted that Trump’s failures will most likely come up during tonight’s Republican debate, which the former president is again skipping. Will the other candidates make a better case to auto workers? They’ll certainly have their chance with Trump not in the room.
(Via Raw Story)