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Don Jr. Had A Totally Mature Reaction To Meatball DeSantis’ Debate Look, Yet People Threw Receipts In His Face

This week’s GOP debate churned out another viral moment of Ron DeSantis attempting to smile like a human and further convincing everyone that he might be a robot. Chris Christie also stared straight into the camera to address former pal Donald “Duck” Trump, and surprisingly enough, Don Jr. did not issue another completely mature Krispy Kreme joke in response.

Jr. did, however, take time out from freaking out over the possible dissolution of the Trump Org to get twitchy over DeSantis getting his face powdered (as is customary when one appears on TV cameras). The eldest boy thought this was the funniest thing in the world while zooming right past his dad’s notorious bronzer addiction. And Jr. hopped on that low-hanging fruit like it ain’t no thing while tweeting a clip of DeSantis being de-shined: “Rhonda Santis”

This is only 1% less graceful than when Jr. accidentally ridiculed his dad while trying to make fun of Meatball. And people can’t believe he’s really going there when his dad pays so much attention to hair and making himself look like he fell out of the worst make-up trailer. Yes, “Your dad wears more makeup then Cher” did pop up in the resulting comebacks.