Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert’s origin story includes receiving her GED mere months before being elected to Congress. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with holding a GED, but the MAGA congresswoman has used her subsequent platform to tear down those with a similar background as her own. Boebert has previously discussed how she was born into a “Democrat household on welfare,” and she doesn’t seem to care that she probably wouldn’t have had food on the table without this assistance. Instead, she looks down upon the practice and is now bragging about her “work ethic.”
This move follows Boebert’s movement back into anti-trans remarks while proposing an amendment to reduce Shawn Skelly’s salary to $1 and accusing him of ruining the military with “wokeism.” This, of course, might be a desperate attempt for Boebert to make everyone stop thinking about her groping scandal or as it is more colloquially known, “Grabbing the hog.”
“I lived under government dependency,” Boebert declared on the House floor in the below clip. “[A]nd I’m thankful that I have broke free of that cycle given my life experiences and developing work ethic”
Boebert: I lived under government dependency and I‘m thankful that I have broke free of that cycle given my life experiences and developing work ethic pic.twitter.com/nh8se5ctNH
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 27, 2023
Does Boebert realize that she is paid from the wallets of taxpayers and is still technically accepting money (a lot of it) and cushy benefits from the government? She also seems to believe that tweeting, missing important votes (and lying about why), and delivering angry tirades on the House floor counts as a work ethic.
work ethic?
— Jordan Heinz (@JordanHeinz) September 27, 2023
Wait till she finds out where her paycheck and benefits come from.
— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢 (@ChidiNwatu) September 27, 2023
She’s still being paid by the government
— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) September 27, 2023
…she says, as she cashes her government check.
— Lord Jeff of Cunningham (@Docziggy) September 27, 2023
Nice self-own, Lauren.
— Don Linn (@DonLinn) September 27, 2023
I’m assuming with direct deposit she doesn’t see who writes her a check
— Cheesy Gordita Brett (@CreampieOrDie) September 27, 2023
“I have lived under government dependency, yet I proudly represent a party that works daily to dismantle the very programs that I, and millions of others, have been forced to depend on.”
— BruceGoldberg (@bgoldbergpdx) September 27, 2023
“I’ve lived under government dependency and now I’m pulling up the ladder”
— Doremus Jessup (@DoremusJ) September 27, 2023
“And now that I’m where I want to be, screw all those that might be going through the same struggle. I got mine.”
(@DenaePFA) September 27, 2023
“So now lets deny everyone else the same opportunities”
— Al Prior (@AlrantAl) September 27, 2023
“How dare you keep me from starving as a child!”
Girl Geek for Legitimate Person (@girlgeek_rva) September 27, 2023
Who’s paying for her grandchild’s healthcare and food? Baby mama delivery? Someone should ask her. She’s literally taking food out of her grandchild’s mouth.
— Paige #
(@ItWasACoup) September 27, 2023
We’ve definitely seen Boebert’s work ethic, right?
— Dolores Ponce
(@LolaOnThePath) September 27, 2023
Developing work ethic. Handjobs in public theaters.
(@MDomino07) September 27, 2023
The “old razzle dazzle” won’t make that groping scandal go away, but Boebert is sure trying.