Pets are family members and when one is hurt or sick it can feel devastating. But all animals are curious which means sometimes they get out or another animal gets curious about them and they get into a sticky situation. Which is what happened when one family’s beagle mix, Ginger was bitten by a copperhead snake while they were at work.
Their mail carrier, Holle Prigmore was out delivering mail when she noticed the dog limping by the side of the road but it was when she went to grab a treat that she realized something was wrong. Prigmore told Fox5 Atlanta that she noticed something moving near the mailbox and when she got closer she could see it was a snake.
The postal worker took a photo of the snake and posted it to social media where the group members identified it as a copperhead. That’s when Prigmore knew she had to act fast if she was going to save the dog.
“You should take their collar off cause there could be swelling, and I just knew she might be fine but she’s a small dog and I couldn’t stand the idea of her maybe suffering throughout the day if nobody was home,” Prigmore says.
Not wanting to waste time, Prigmore typed up a quick message on her phone and showed it to the doorbell camera so the Ginger’s owners would know what happened. Then off she and Ginger went to the emergency vet. Thanks to the mail carrier’s quick act of kindness for the family dog, Ginger is going to be just fine and the family got to thank her in person.
Watch the entire video below: