We often have a deeper urge to seek justice for the wrongdoing of a loved one than we would for ourselves. Getting revenge seems hardly worth the effort, until someone important to us is on the receiving end.
That seemed to be the case for one woman who recently shared her own “unhinged” revenge story—one that involved attention to detail, creativity and a whole lotta patience. She’s like a real-life John Wick armed with brilliant pranks and online comeupance instead of killer martial arts moves.
Linda Solley Hurd shared that about fifteen years ago, she had been at a comedy show when her friend accidentally knocked over a man’s drink.
Hurd’s friend couldn’t even get out an apology before the man called her profanities and spat on her.
Hurd shared that as she tried to come to her friend’s defense, the man also began yelling expletives at her. And thus, the revenge plot was set in motion.
“We move on with our night, we do not move on with our lives,” she said.
Hurd tracked down the man’s Facebook, where she discovered he was a massive fan of hit shows like “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead.”
That was when Hurd had the idea to create fake Facebook accounts to message him episode spoilers she would meticulously glean online. She did this every. single. week.
@lindasolleyhurd #stitch with @Susi ♬ original sound – Lindasolleyhurd
Even if the man tried to block the accounts Hurd would respond by making another account, which she continued to do for months.
But after that, the grudge was over. Or so she thought…until he ended up in one of her college classes.
Hurd recalled the guy being “devil’s advocate for everything,” saying “every trash opinion you could have, he has it.” This only refueled her hatred of him. Unfortunately by this point, the dude had gotten wise about sharing his favorite television shows on Facebook, leaving her with virtually no ammunition.
But then, her nemesis fired up a Powerpoint from his laptop onto a projector for a class presentation, and Hurd saw his Reddit username. Which meant round two for television spoilers.
That only lasted for a short while, then Hurd truly did move on with her life. Eight years of peace went by. Until she learned a mutual friend was getting engaged to the same guy.
As the wedding approached, Hurd looked up his Reddit to see if it was still active. Sure enough, it was, and she discovered “sinister stuff” on it. Primarily, photos of someone passing he was off as the fiancée.
“If it was your partner, you would wanna know,” she said in the clip. So, she reached out to the woman, who promptly broke off the engagement. Thankfully, that story ended well for the girl.
“The last I checked, I saw her, she’s got beautiful children and a thriving business and seems to have a happy marriage,” Hurd said.
Hurd concluded her video by saying she now has no idea what the guy is up to, and presented the moral of her revenge story: “you shouldn’t assault women and call the b**ches.”
As satisfying as this modern day parable is, it isn’t without some red flags in terms of safety. Had this man—who from Hurd’s account appears to have some leanings towards suspicious, possibly violent behavior—found out she was the culprit behind the spoilers (and very well might find out now, due to her video going viral) she could have put herself in actual danger.
Still, in terms of revenge plots, this one is perfectly devious without going into malicious territory. And who knows, if Hurd had had kept tabs on this person for all those years, she might have not been able to prevent another woman from making a marital mistake.
Just remember. Be kind. Lest ye wish to have your favorite television shows absolutely ruined. Talk about modern day vengeance.