The MAGA crowd loves to point out that Joe Biden is old. They love to claim his brain is going. They’ve also gone all-in for a guy who can’t spell “rumor,” who claimed Biden was going to get us into “World War II,” who boasted that one of his biggest fans is fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter, who keeps bragging, to this day, about once “acing” a basic cognitive test. That exam was three years ago. Perhaps he wouldn’t do so hot if he took it now. Indeed, here’s him during a campaign speech on Monday.
Trump: I’m for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before? I’m reading and said us. You know, when you think about it, us, equals U.S. If we think of something genius, they will never say it. pic.twitter.com/xzXTMRRge6
— Acyn (@Acyn) October 23, 2023
The former president was talking about current French president Emmanuel Macron, who he says is “for France.” Well, of course, he is. He’s their president. Trump, meanwhile, “is for us.”
Speaking of the word “us,” do you know what Trump, who is a 77-year-old Ivy League graduate who was elected 45th commander-in-chief of the United States, just noticed?
“You know how you spell ‘us,’ right? U.S. I just picked that up,” Trump told the crowd.” Has anyone ever thought of that before? I’m reading and said us. You know, when you think about it, ‘us’ equals U.S.”
Of course, it wouldn’t be yet another Trump triumph if he didn’t milk his win for self-pity.
“If we think of something genius, they’ll never say it,” Trump added, presumably referring to the media. “We get 25, 30, 40, 50, 80,000, 100,000 people at these speeches, they never say Trump’s a great speaker. Never said it, I never heard it. I said to my people, ‘Do you think they’ll ever acknowledge I must be doing okay?”
He then talked about how handsome he is, which he argued must be why people don’t remark on his oratorical prowess.
Those who weren’t blown away by his good looks couldn’t help but notice that his “genius” observation would only be smart if it was said by a young child.
He’s 77 and he’s just now discovering something my daughter proudly pointed out to me in kindergarten. https://t.co/YfhKXIrUpv
— KevinlyFather
(@KevinlyFather) October 23, 2023
I remember when my son realized this. He was four and a half years old. https://t.co/s1kfeRPoao
— Jane of the North (@JaneotN) October 23, 2023
This is 3 year old level stuff. He’s not well. https://t.co/xq2XyWbWzy
— Barbara Comstock (@BarbaraComstock) October 24, 2023
Our toddler-in-chief.
(No offense to toddlers.) https://t.co/dcFGTHTc2E
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) October 23, 2023
Others couldn’t believe — even after eight years of this mishegoss — that he’s still doing so well politically.
Y’all. How on God’s green earth does anyone still think this man should be President of anything let alone the United States of America? https://t.co/Xt1UUOSo9P
— Laura Tremaine (@lauratremaine) October 23, 2023
Some of you voted for one of the stupidest people alive on the planet. Some if you will do it again. You think the person who said *this* should be able to undo 250 years of democracy at his discretion. https://t.co/fNLVrtHGSO
— Conspookatorial Templates (@mynamehear) October 23, 2023
This man was president. https://t.co/YQB3t100PG
— Jonathan Reiner (@JReinerMD) October 23, 2023
This deeply disturbed man is the absolute boss of the republican party. Nearly every elected republican in America wants to make this person facing 91 felony charges and 600+ years in prison leader of the free world. https://t.co/rpOBKa3ZdJ
— Bill Pascrell, Jr.
(@BillPascrell) October 23, 2023
This is 1st week of 1st grade comprehension.
Right after you learn your colors and shapes in kindergarten you learn how to spell “us”. https://t.co/RUBgMrtvhj— Ebony Jade Hilton, MD (@EbonyJHilton_MD) October 24, 2023
How does this man with the intellectual capacity of a block of cheese have a political grip on nearly half the country https://t.co/ELZPXwhUZG
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) October 23, 2023
Some felt they’d gotten dumber watching him speak.
I’m dumber for having seen this clip. What a fucking qracked out dumbass. https://t.co/SfPaebr5Dj
— shelby (@thetrueshelby) October 23, 2023
I just lost 10 IQ points from listening to this. https://t.co/mn1vXYA19r
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) October 23, 2023
Many thought it was proof yet again that it’s his brain, not Biden’s, that’s turned to mush.
Trump’s speech and mental facilities have clearly deteriorated over the last decade, and, unlike Biden, he doesn’t have a lifelong speech impediment to point to. https://t.co/sjV47go2zU
— Brandon Bradford (@BrandonLBradfor) October 24, 2023
“Cant vote for Biden because he’s too old and senile.” https://t.co/f5eToAU3uh
— I Smoked Lauren Boebert’s Tiddies At The Theater (@BlackKnight10k) October 23, 2023
It’s funny that while the headlines focus exclusively on Biden’s mental fitness, every single person behind the scenes, ranging from Kevin McCarthy to other world leaders, regard Biden as sharp and substantive in private discussions, while Donald Trump says…well, this. https://t.co/VCO9dw9wen
— Lakshya Jain (@lxeagle17) October 24, 2023
Dear Republican supporters, let Trump retire peacefully to serve his future consecutive prison times. Trump is already losing as it is whatever sanity he had. https://t.co/Z5Vn9LR1tR
— Nathan (@Gig4Nathan) October 23, 2023
A lot of liberals think he’s always been like this but I need you watch Trump’s endorsement of Romney in 2012 (also, lol) so you can just how different he seems. https://t.co/LpzxiX2hlg pic.twitter.com/llAnLOc75w
— Tyler Dinucci! (@TylerDinucci) October 24, 2023
This is the ramblings from a very young manchild. Can you spell dementia? https://t.co/S2T7Og5b4D
— Marlene Robertson (@marlene4719) October 23, 2023
I get why people worry about Biden’s age but if your main concern is cognitive capability you’re not going to be voting for this guy. https://t.co/fqPJvXTZim
— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) October 23, 2023
There were assorted jokes.
https://t.co/FY5k9fr5cz pic.twitter.com/qIy7Sxk7sK
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) October 24, 2023
Wait ’till he finds out about Uncle Sam https://t.co/erkkCJy4Va
— Stonekettle (@Stonekettle) October 23, 2023
This is the oratorial equivalent of staring into an eclipse. https://t.co/smSUYeAfce
— The Shallow State (@OurShallowState) October 23, 2023
I wish we had a powerless monarchy like the UK so we could just have this dude opening hospitals and giving speeches at Christmas but not, like, governing at all.
I think he wishes it, too, honestly. https://t.co/88a3wvHVHx
— ian karmel (@IanKarmel) October 24, 2023
“And wait…! Wait…! Holy shi—… check this out: God spelled backwards is dog!” https://t.co/DtWvYm4wwS
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) October 23, 2023
We’re this close to Donald The Brain Dead Fascist living out the line from “The Producers” about just realizing “The Third Reich” meant Germany https://t.co/2kB7IRNLi2
— Keith Olbermann
(@KeithOlbermann) October 23, 2023
Or maybe, as someone noted, Trump was just stoned.
is Trump…high? https://t.co/rnLv6pQJxn
— Armand Domalewski (@ArmandDoma) October 23, 2023